
STAMFORD - Major Gas Leak

1 post in this topic

Date: 02/04/2017
Time: 14:52
Location: 90 Morgan St
District: SFD-5 (Woodside)

Channel: Ground 2, SPD Main

Weather: 33 / Mostly sunny
Units: SFD: E5, E1, T1, R1, E2 (Haz Mat), U4 (IC), U6 (Safety)

          SPD: 44 (South Hold), 28 (West Hold), 10 (Hold Sergeant), 4B46
Writer:  AFS1970

Description: Car rolled into side of building, shearing off the gas main to medical office building. E5 reported a major gas leak, Special Call for Safety Officer. Eversource (Gas Company) requested Priority 1. SFD activated fire alarm to evacuate building. Gas main shut off & companies checking for further leaks on interior & exterior. SPD cars designated as hold units are in service during shift change for emergency calls but do not use normal beat designations only car numbers.

Edited by AFS1970
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