
Yonkers Fire Local 628 Warns About Delayed Response Times Due To Giving Mutual Aid To New Rochelle

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I was wondering if anybody noticed Yonkers sent 6 pieces of apparatus (2 engines 2 trucks 1 MSU and 1Batt.) to New Rochelle... not fair to Yonkers residents my self included...I have no problem with mutual aid...god knows we just had a big mutual aid....just spread it around...I know they put Batt 3 in service don't know if they replaced the line units...anybody have more info?

Edited by fire patrol nyc
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1 minute ago, fire patrol nyc said:

I was wondering if anybody noticed Yonkers sent 6 pieces of apparatus (2 engines 2 trucks 1 MSU and 1Batt.) to New Rochelle... not fair to Yonkers residents my self included...I have no problem with mutual aid...god knows we just had a big mutual aid....just spread it around...I know they put Batt 3 in service don't know if they replaced the line unites...anybody have more info?

Is it fair to Yonkers residents when New Rochelle sends 3 units to Yonkers? Yonkers is 2.5 times the size of NR, 


Also I believe this is the first time that many units were ever sent from Y to NR

INIT915, 16fire5, x635 and 2 others like this

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I agree with above.  Not that I'm on fire service but I listen and read to what's going on around the county. I don't remember many instances where YO was in New Ro.  Usually New Ro goes to others on the list. I do t see any abuse here -like MV.  IC saw they had multiple structures and called. 

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2 minutes ago, Chkpoint said:

I agree with above.  Not that I'm on fire service but I listen and read to what's going on around the county. I don't remember many instances where YO was in New Ro.  Usually New Ro goes to others on the list. I do t see any abuse here -like MV.  IC saw they had multiple structures and called. 

Actually, the IC didn't call for all of it. Some was either offered from YFD or called for by YFD's BC

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I apologize Barry I should have said it possible the IC requested. Obviously you would know better then I. But none the less I think those are 2 outstanding fire departments and it sounds like most of the time they can really handle their own. 

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9 hours ago, LineCapt said:


Is the Union advocating not providing mutual aid? Given several recent incident alerts where they accepted mutual aid into their city, this incident certainly seemed reasonable I would think. And they probably could have declined the additional 1&1.

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Jersey City has sent a full 1st alarm except Rescue 1 & Squad 4 assignment to work fires in other parts of Hudson County  with no problems They've done 2&1 task force to Essex county as well for cover Newark if I remember correctly 

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Seems the Yonkers battalion chief made decision here that wasn't favorable to union rules or why would the union post this online. I'd say probably because brothers weren't called into staff reserve rigs. There are agreements in place and if equipment and manpower was needed that is fine, but additional resources should have been brought into Yonkers to sustain the city's acceptable staffing level. The new Rochelle Ic is in charge bottom line and Yonkers and new Rochelle have a great working relationship.

Edited by AMISHFF
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I believe Yonkers did man spare rigs. I heard E300, L78 and B4 in service that night. So their guys actually got OT. So the union should be happy. 

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This is just a general statement about the fire service but I think this thread touches on it. Whether volunteer or paid, the fire service is suffering from a severe manpower shortage everywhere. Many cities run with barebone minimums due to budget problems and volunteers have trouble recruting due to the two income economy we find ourselves in. 25 years ago, departments would take it as a personal insult if they weren't called to a fire in the next town over. 

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