
Vails Gate (Orange) - Car vs Building - 01/15/17

1 post in this topic

Date: 01/15/17
Time: 0920hrs
Location: 2314 Route 32
District: Vails Gate/Town of Cornwall

Battalion: 4


Weather: Clear/cool
Units: VGFD C2, C3, R480, E481, E478, T482, NWEMS/ALS, T/Cornwall PD, T/Cornwall Building Inspector
Writer: BFD1054

Description: Car into a building with injuries 

0920hrs-Base-5 alerting Vails Gate for the MVA, car into a building, 2314 Route 32.


 - While en-route, Base-5 advised VGFD units of possible entrapment and serious injuries as per Cornwall PD.


VGFD Car-3 arrived, established command and advised he had (1) car into a 2-story wood frame commercial building.

Car-3 then advised that the driver (sole occupant) was not entrapped, but still in the vehicle in and out of consciousness.


R480 arrived with its crew splitting into patient care and stabilization of the vehicle.


E481 was advised to gain entry into the building to assess the damage. E481's officer advised of minor damage to the 1/2 corner, but the building was otherwise stable.


Car-2 arrived and oversaw operations.


T482 was directed to pass the scene and stand by at the Solid Rock Church for a possible LZ (Medevac was later cancelled).


E479 and T484 (Sta. 2) re-directed to station-1 for coverage.


New Windsor EMS/ALS arrived and took over patient care. 


Command requested the Town of Cornwall Building Inspector to the scene. E481 remained on scene for the building inspector, with all other units returning to service.

Edited by BFD1054
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