
Westchester Seasonal Park Ranger Accepting Aplications

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Park Ranger

The Westchester County Department of Public Safety is accepting applications for seasonal park rangers to patrol county parks this summer. Applications are due by Feb. 27, 2017.

Uniformed park rangers work under the supervision of county police officers to maintain a safe and enjoyable atmosphere in the county’s parks. They assist park users, provide information on park rules and procedures, help in searches for lost children, perform basic first aid on occasion and make regular security checks of buildings and facilities.

First-time park rangers are paid $14 hourly. Salaries are higher for those who have worked as a ranger for the county before. To qualify, applicants must:

  • be a high school graduate
  • be at least 19 years of age
  • be a U.S. citizen
  • be a resident of Westchester County
  • possess a valid New York State driver’s license by the time of appointment.

Note: Accepted candidates must attend a 99-hour training program at the Westchester County Police Academy.

"Working under the supervision of county police officers, park rangers help to ensure that Westchester's parks and pools are safe and enjoyable for those who use them." Public Safety Commissioner George N. Longworth said. He noted that many police officers in Westchester, including himself, had their first exposure to a law enforcement career by working as a seasonal park ranger.



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19 hours ago, DR104 said:

I remembered when they were armed.

I thought they still were armed and had the police powers? 

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1 hour ago, Harrison063 said:

I thought they still were armed and had the police powers? 


They do not carry firearms, though they do have batons and if memory serves me correctly OC. As far as police powers, they have peace officer status.

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Peace officer status.  Baton, OC, cuffs.  No firearms.  They stopped carrying firearms and changed uniforms to baby blue collar shirt that says Park Ranger in 2001 I believe.  Prior to that you could barely tell the difference between the county specials and and actual Police Officers.  Uniforms were pretty much identical. Which can be good and bad.  I believe the county patch on the arm was the difference but someone here I'm sure can correct me on this. 

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9 hours ago, Harrison063 said:

I thought they still were armed and had the police powers? 



You could be thinking of the P/T Deputy Sheriffs of the PSEF (Public Safety Emergency Force) AKA the green shirts. 

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18 hours ago, Chkpoint said:

Peace officer status.  Baton, OC, cuffs.  No firearms.  They stopped carrying firearms and changed uniforms to baby blue collar shirt that says Park Ranger in 2001 I believe.  Prior to that you could barely tell the difference between the county specials and and actual Police Officers.  Uniforms were pretty much identical. Which can be good and bad.  I believe the county patch on the arm was the difference but someone here I'm sure can correct me on this. 

Many years ago almost all of the County parks had summer police assigned to them.  They used to be called "specials" and wore the County PD uniforms with the old patch and hats with "a 50 mission crush". We were armed with a .38. Many police officers of my time started off as specials.  "

Edited by SOUSGT
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The Special patch is the same as the PD patch except with out the white POLICE in the middle

PD patch

Image result for westchester county police patch

Special patch

Image result for westchester county dps

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Thank you MD.  I knew there was a minor difference just didn't remember what it was 

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