
Petition: Lower the volume of Ambulance sirens in New York City

10 posts in this topic




Mayor DeBlasio,

Noise is the biggest complaint of New Yorkers (http://www.amny.com/news/nyc-311-complaints-noise-the-biggest-issue-1.10043553).

Some of the loudest noises in New York City are sirens, which are frequent and are heard through the night. The sirens only operate at ear-splitting volume which are still loud from 5 blocks away, regardless of the hour or ambient noise.


Police, Fire and Ambulances all have very loud sirens, but Police and Fire trucks tend to use the siren just to get through dangerous intersections.


Ambulances usually leave the siren on at full volume for the duration of their trip, so they make up most of the siren noise in the city. Research suggests that the benefit of the Ambulance siren to the patient is very small to negligible (http://www.emsworld.com/article/10325079/ems-myth-4-lights-and-sirens-save-a-significant-amount-of-travel-time-and-lives).


Ambulances should have the option of a lower volume siren, which could be used at any time. For sirens used between midnight and 6 am, when ambient noise is lower, drivers should be required to choose the lower volume setting.


This is a low cost, effective way to improve the lives of all New Yorkers.


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Huh? Why lower the volume when you can just (maybe a law issues) limit the use of the siren to "as needed"? It would seem lowering the volume will result in the siren being ineffective when it's needed (inattentive motorists). I doubt the sirens used in the firetrucks or PD vehicles are any different in output, merely just the use as noted. No doubt this petitioner did not seek any "expert" opinions as to the problem and other solutions. 

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New Yorkers are bothered by ANYTHING and EVERYTHING !!! I say put up a wall and let them do what they want...my opinion 34 years responding in Greenwich village

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Civilian exposure to the audible warning devices of emergency vehicles is of very limited duration. These devices are only in use while the vehicle is en-route to an emergency, meaning the vehicle is moving. So, unless the complainers are keeping pace with and driving alongside the emergency vehicle with their window down rather than pulling to the right side of the road and stopping to allow the emergency vehicle to have the right of way, they are not being injured by the noise, just briefly inconvenienced by it.

ARI1220, AFS1970, fdalumnus and 1 other like this

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In NYC it seems that private ambulances may take advantage of their status and proceed lights and siren when just on transports in order to get thru traffic, could this be possible ???

Dinosaur and AFS1970 like this

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Just look around NYC area. Private ambulance companies driving around with sirens on non stop.  

Also add on all the 911 units. 

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