
Stamford - 3rd Alarm 10-19-16

1 post in this topic

Date: 10/19/2016
 Time: 19:36
 Location: 1 Southfield Ave (Between Selleck St & Homestead Ave)
 District: SFD 2
Channel: Ground 1
Weather: 71, Clear
 Units: 1st Alarm:      E2, E5, E4, E6 (RIT), T2, R1, U4 (IC),
         Working Fire: U6 (Safety), FM105, FM111,
         2nd Alarm:     E3, T3
         3rd Alarm:     E1, T1, C1 (Chief of Department), C2 (Assistant Chief), C11 (Assistant Chief of Volunteers), FM101 (Chief Fire Marshal)
         Special Call:   E9
         Callback:       E12, U5 (Deputy Chief)
         Relocated:    E7 (Station 1), E8 (Station 3)
         SEMS:           M5, M3, M901 (Supervisor)
         SPD:             1B31, 1A42, 1E34, 2C292, 1C30, 2A24, 3B33, 8D77 (Shift Commander), 8S3 (Sergeant)
         VFD's            E34 (Glenbrook), E41, T45 (Belltown), E52 (Springdale), E64, T67, R66, K68 (Turn of River) all staffed in quarters due to incident.
 Writer: AFS1970
*** At time of this call SFD Station 3 (2nd due) & Station 1 (3rd due) were at other incidents. ***

 Description: Multiple calls, conflicting between exterior brush fire and condominium fire. Possible exterior fire extending into building. E2 arriving in area reported visible fire in building. Once on scene E2 confirmed working fire and transmitted 2nd alarm due to exposures. U4 arrived and assumed command, transmitting the 3rd alarm shortly there after.
At 20:10 U4 gave the MARC update of fire on all three floors of a 20 x 40 foot condominium, fire darkening down, Probable will hold.
Fire under control at 20:26, U4 expects to free up 3rd alarm companies shortly.
E12 was sent to assist with picking up hose and equipment. M3 was sent late into the incident for an injured civilian.
Edited 5 minutes ago by AFS1970
Edited by AFS1970
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