
News 12 Westchester No More?

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Cablevision has a new owner, an international company named Altice.




The feisty motto “As local as local news gets” will soon be put to the test at News 12 Westchester.


In the coming weeks, the studio operations at 6 Executive Plaza in Yonkers will be transferred to Woodbury, Long Island, a move that will effectively end an era in local TV journalism. The transformation is expected to be completed by March of 2017.


News 12 employees were informed of the cost-cutting move on Thursday — but what this means exactly to individual on-air talent and other staff members remains to be seen.




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They did the same thing with the CT division. 


They're overall consolidating most of the company - closing a call center in CT too 

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What always bugged me about News 12 was that they're supposed to be the "local" news source, but they wouldn't cover as many stories as they could.  They simply record a 30 minute spot and rerun it for hours, then do an update spot and rerun it for hours, repeat!  There's so many more stories that people could have payed attention to, say if News 12 did a 2 hour spot and reran it 2 or 3 times before doing an update.  BUT, now that there will no longer be a specific local news channel, even more stories will go to the wayside.

BIGRED1, x635, fdalumnus and 4 others like this

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Here in CT they laid off the anchors, one of which had been there since 1982 when the station opened.


I agree that the 30 minute news cast was less than they could have done. I also know of at least one time when they would not cover a story that they deemed too controversial despite other local news covering it. All was not bad however, I got interviewed as a "Hurricane Expert" once, mostly I think because our fire station was first alphabetically, good thing I had time to Google storm preparedness.

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Let me preface this by saying I'm a happy Verizon FiOS customer.


However, I watched News 12 for many years. In fact, I know many people who don't switch to Verizon or Dish because of News 12. Altice wants to do away with News 12 completely, eventually. They are based in the Netherlands, and are a communication giant that will control this from overseas, from the boardrooms over there at least. They apparently not interested in a community service that a local news service provides and keeps customers loyal- it's a selling point.

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Flew to FLA. one time with Joe and family....seems like a nice guy......good luck to you...

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Just saw an advertisement that Joe Rao will now be with the Verizon FiOS News 1 weather team.

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