
Reports of explosion in Manhattan

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Listening to DeBlasio I can only shake my head, what a dope. "Intentional" uh duh ya think!! The very nature of a bombing (or mass shooting) is to instill not just fear but people. To make them afraid to go outside, to gather in peace, to go to work, in fact to simply live their lives normally. Ignoring the obvious does not make people safer, it makes them ignorant of what's going on around them. Well I got news for ya Mr. Mayor this was an act of TERRORISM no matter who did it. Time to can the PC bullsh!t and start calling these attacks what they are...TERRORISM. We, as a nation, have got to face up to the reality of the world we live in today otherwise we aren't going to be prepared for the next attack...and make no mistake, as we sit here typing away, that next attack is being plotted by someone somewhere right now. 

AFS1970, nfd2004, trauma74 and 1 other like this

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Excellent point Pete. Whether we must deal with Terrorism, mass shootings, or even just the everyday crime, trying to be PC is NOT the answer. Burying our heads in the sand and hoping our problems go away doesn't work. I think 23 people injured in this incident. That's 23 more than should have been hurt.


 We have allowed our civic leaders to destroy our own safety by allowing those out to hurt us the ability to hurt more.


 In the first World Trade center bombing of 1993, over 1,000 people were injured and I believe six people were killed. That was a bomb placed in a car in the below sub level parking garage of one of those WTC Tower Buildings. It was so powerful that it blew through FIVE levels of solid concrete in that garage. Our Leader then (President Clinton - the same one that lied about cheating on his wife on national television), had every opportunity to get Bin Laden then. But he didn't and instead the terrorist got stronger.


 Then in September, 2001, just eight years later, our country is attacked again. This time it is the Worst Attack ever on American soil. Bin Laden takes credit for accomplishing this. Perhaps this could have all been prevented had our leader then taken the proper steps to deal with it.


 So with this most recent event occurring in NYC, where do we go from here ? History does have a way of repeating itself. Will the mayor of NYC treat this as the former U.S. President treated the first WTC bombing ? I hope not and I hope he has learned not to repeat the mistakes of others.


 I don't have the answer on what to do or how to handle it. But that's not my job, "that's theirs" !!!

Edited by nfd2004
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So yesterday I was in NYC for the Steuben Day Parade, I got home around 7. By 9 I was hearing news of the explosion. I had already heard about the bombing in NJ earlier in the day. I spoke with a friend who is an EMS Chief in NJ. He told me they were all notified to be on alert. Then reports of an explosion at a mall in Virginia started coming in, followed by reports of an active shooter at a mall in Minnesota. Fairly quickly they determined the one in Virginia to be a transformer explosion (wasn't that the initial dispatch in 1993?). This morning I got up and started hearing the news media fall all over themselves to remind us who was not at fault. In Minnesota it turned out to be a mass stabbing (if only we had some common sense knife control) by someone asking victims if they were muslim and stabbing those that said no, all the while speaking of allah. The local police there say they have no idea what his motivation was. The news media says this was not terrorism. We will hear no more about guns, because it turns out that the attack was stopped by a good guy (off duty cop) with a gun.


We have to get out of this national state of denial we are in. The media, politicians and even the investigators are refusing to even look at the most obvious possibility because it might offend someone. Well here is an idea, if you want to kill me and destroy my country, then I do not care one bit if you are offended.

trauma74, nfd2004, FFPCogs and 1 other like this

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17 minutes ago, AFS1970 said:

So yesterday I was in NYC for the Steuben Day Parade, I got home around 7. By 9 I was hearing news of the explosion. I had already heard about the bombing in NJ earlier in the day. I spoke with a friend who is an EMS Chief in NJ. He told me they were all notified to be on alert. Then reports of an explosion at a mall in Virginia started coming in, followed by reports of an active shooter at a mall in Minnesota. Fairly quickly they determined the one in Virginia to be a transformer explosion (wasn't that the initial dispatch in 1993?). This morning I got up and started hearing the news media fall all over themselves to remind us who was not at fault. In Minnesota it turned out to be a mass stabbing (if only we had some common sense knife control) by someone asking victims if they were muslim and stabbing those that said no, all the while speaking of allah. The local police there say they have no idea what his motivation was. The news media says this was not terrorism. We will hear no more about guns, because it turns out that the attack was stopped by a good guy (off duty cop) with a gun.


We have to get out of this national state of denial we are in. The media, politicians and even the investigators are refusing to even look at the most obvious possibility because it might offend someone. Well here is an idea, if you want to kill me and destroy my country, then I do not care one bit if you are offended.


 Not too much I can argue about that one.


 And oh yes, in our Blast from the Past, the news media DID report it to first be a "transformer explosion" when that bomb went off in the lower level of the parking garage at the WTC in 1993. Only to find out later that they gave us the wrong scoop.


The other incidents you bring up as well. Just a little criminal mischief with nothing else behind it, I suppose.


 Excellent points brought up.



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A few guys telling me the NYPD has the suspect(s) in custody for the bombing. Perp(s) apprehended in the area of Belt Pkwy and VZ Bridge.


As many as Five in custody.


If that's true, great job by those in blue. 

Edited by nfd2004
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Looking for Ahmad Rahami in a Blue Honda Civic with NJ plates D63EYB.


Also Linden, NJ shooter in custody and found a suspicious package. Requesting Bomb Sq and K-9


 Update: Ahmad Rahami is in custody in Linden, NJ after shooting police officer

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