
NYC DEP PD New Lettering Scheme (Photos)

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Why does this vehicle have official plates?
I though Police Vehicles were not required to have DMV plates in NYS? 
I looked back at older images, I see the DEP Police have had Official Plates on their vehicles for a while. I never noticed that before.
I am trying to think if any other agency in NYS has plates issued by DMV on their marked vehicles.
I know NYSP have plates from DMV, but those plates have the radio call # on it, these plates seem to be regular issue municipal plates.

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Police vehicles are not required to have DMV plates in NY, however, many municipal agencies have chosen to get official plates for their vehicles. Fire District vehicles in NY do not have to have DMV plates either, but many fire districts chose to have put them on their vehicles, especially the Chief's vehicles.

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All fire and police vehicles (not sure about NYC and Buffalo) have official plates assigned, however they are not required to display them. 

I remember the fleet manager having boxes of plates in a store room and going crazy when the vehicles were being disposed of.

I believe that one of the fire departments had official plates on the deputy chief's suburban but removed them when they started getting bills for running the ezPass lanes when on thruway calls.   

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10 hours ago, americanpolice said:

ever so closer to the nypd scheme.


My thoughts, exactly.  I mean, it kind of makes sense that the DEP police should have a similar scheme to the NYPD, as the DEP police are also protecting the citizens of NYC (in a way).


I personally still like the old white and green color scheme (similar to NYS DEC police and Parks police).

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americanpolice posted:

"ever so closer to the NYPD scheme"


This is not the first time they went to an NYPD look.

If I recall, going back to the early 80s or maybe even the 1970s, the predecessor to the the DEP Police, the NYC Bureau of Water Supply Police, had cars with the same white over blue scheme the NYPD had at that time.

This had the same shade blue (Great Northern Blue) the NYPD had with the single white stripe along the body.

I tried finding a photo on line to no avail.

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Not entirely about NYC DEP but I am not in favor of agencies copying other agencies livery. I think each agency needs to develop its own identity, what in commercial circles would be called brand identity. I realize there are traditional colors and there are only so many designs to use, but why must everything be sanitized into a single logo. We see it all the time in patches, where a department is willing to part with their own history to look just like some department they want to emulate. I am not a fan of this way of thinking.

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27 minutes ago, AFS1970 said:

Not entirely about NYC DEP but I am not in favor of agencies copying other agencies livery. I think each agency needs to develop its own identity, what in commercial circles would be called brand identity. I realize there are traditional colors and there are only so many designs to use, but why must everything be sanitized into a single logo. We see it all the time in patches, where a department is willing to part with their own history to look just like some department they want to emulate. I am not a fan of this way of thinking.


I disagree.  I think all police cars should be the same - different patches, fine - but I happen to like knowing that when I am visiting California I'm looking at a police car and not a taxi.  State law in CA has all police cars black and white and even specifies that there have to be certain lighting combinations to insure they are recognized as a police vehicle. 

There's no rhyme or reason here in NY.  At all.

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Dinosaur wrote:
" State law in CA has all police cars black and white "
This is a Newport Beach California car. I am not familiar with California law, but I have been to California on a few occasions, and while the vast majority of Police cars there are B&W, I have seen a few that were not B&W.

This example is the first photo I found on a Google search, but there are a few other examples.


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We do not make any attempt to standardize other public safety vehicles, not even any attempt to make DOT trucks look the same, which might be an important traffic safety issue. Some departments are not even standardized with their own fleets. We have several variations in Stamford, mostly now Black & White but a couple of leftovers from the blue days. Then we have frequent visits from the State Police that could be any color, although mostly grey now. UCONN police, which has at least 4 color schemes that I have seen locally. So I would say that standardization is nothing that police departments seem to care about or desire themselves.


Besides, which big department gets to decide the color scheme? New York, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami?

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Image result for european police cars


Imagine if American police cruisers looked like this, with fairly standardized color patterns to identify them as police vehicles with high visibility markings for safety.


Should there be a standard police vehicle color scheme or pattern?  A pro would be that the public would always be able to identify the vehicle, where a con would be the lack of local identity (which is highly prevalent in the United States).

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In Florida, all the Sheriff cars, for each County in the state are the same color scheme, only the County name is different.  Personally I think it would be beneficial if all marked police vehicles were the same color scheme.  And by that I mean all. Local, University, Board of Education, DEP, etc., etc.  There are a lot more cars on the road than we sometimes realize and a uniform color scheme would show that and be a better deterrent to the criminal element.

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On 4/7/2017 at 1:13 PM, BFD1054 said:

Saw one the other day around the corner from my house in Cornwall. Confused the hell outt me lol...

I saw 2 of their cars in Monroe earlier in the week. It confused me too. At first, I was like "what the hell is the NYPD doing in Monroe?"

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