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New Rochelle- Working Fire 6-26-05

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Date: 6-25-05

Time: 2308hrs

Location: 59 Locust Ave X Clinton

Description: Fire on 2nd floor of an OMD.

Writer: Truck4

2308hrs- Original call for kitchen fire, Car 2302 reports 10-75, all co's working.

2311hrs- 30A2 req. 2nd ambulance to scene, will be M/A.

2318hrs- Car 2302 rpts fire K/D. Co's opening up.

2324hrs- Car 2101 rpts fire was in 2nd floor apartment of a 100 X 200 "L"- shaped OMD. EMS treating (3) civilians at scene for smoke inhalation. Co's venting building.

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