
Mechanicstown (Orange) - Structure Fire - 06/27/16

1 post in this topic

Date: 06/27/16
Time:  1445hrs (approx)
Location: 237 Schutt Rd
District:  Mechanicstown 


Channel: FG-A

Units: Mechanicstown, Middletown (1&1), Circleville (FAST), Silver Lake, 36-11, OCFI's
Writer: BFD1054

Description: Working Fire in a single story wood frame

1500hrs-OC911 alerting Silver Lake; request (1) Truck to re-locate City of Middletown Central Station.


1502hrs-Middletown advising they're engine is responding.


1503hrs-Mechanicstown Car-1 on scene assuming Command requesting 1 & 1 to stand by in Mechanicstown.


1505hrs-Command advising that the fire is out at this time.

 - OC911 advising that Montgomery will be the Truck and Howells with an engine for stand by.


1506hrs-OC911 alerting Montgomery and Howells; Montgomery Truck and Howells Engine to re-locate Mechanicstown Firehouse.


1507hrs-Command requesting Orange & Rockland utilities forthwith.


1508hrs-Silver Lake truck en-route to the City of Middletown for stand-by.


1516hrs-Command requesting the Red Cross to the scene.


1525hrs-O&R utilities on the scene.


1526hrs-Montgomery truck on stand by in Mechanicstown.


1528hrs-Howells Engine on stand by in Mechanicstown.


1533hrs-Circlevilles FAST being released.


1544hrs-OC911 advising that State Police are inquiring if they can open Schutt Rd. 36-11 advising negative, hose is still across the roadway.


1546hrs-Middletown Car-2 advising his Engine & Truck are in service from the scene.


1547hrs-Silver Lake Truck released from stand by.


1620hrs-Mechanicstown Car-1 advising situation under control, units picking up and in service.


Edited by BFD1054
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