
Congrats Daryn Baia Empress EMS!

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One of the most deserving people I know. He is an excellent Paramedic and Administrator, and he also gave me my start in EMS. Well deserved!



Yesterday at the 18th Annual Warren Wetzel, MD Trauma/Emergency Medicine Symposium, Daryn Baia and Empress Ambulance were presented an award from Jacobi Medical Center for their contribution and dedication to the care of patients we bring into Jacobi Medical Center, and for the quick creation of emergency medical services to the facilities and cities that were affected by Transcare Ambulances sudden cease of service. Thank you Jacobi Medical Center, Dr. Teperman, Janet Cucuzzo, and everyone else involved.




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What contracts does Empress have in the Bronx??????

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3 hours ago, nycmedic said:

What contracts does Empress have in the Bronx??????


Empress, and it's sister company, Emergacare, have numerous contracts with hospitals and facilities in the Bronx, including Jacobi Medical Center. They've transported thousands of patients to the hospital from both the Bronx and the northern cities that feed into Jacobi, and even more interfacility critical care transfers for several decades. Daryn himself has transported his fair share of patients to Jacobi to say the least, and has provided leadership to hundreds of employees tasked with the same. Although Empress doesn't have "911 contracts" in the Bronx, Empress has provided care for thousands of injured and critically ill Bronx residents nonetheless. I'm so happy that Jacobi has recognized his dedication to the facility.

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Many serious trauma patients from the southern part of Yonkers, get transported to Jacobi. Also, rumor has it that Empress is trying to get the Montefiore 911 contract.

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    Empress handles A LOT of the ME Heart work- that stands for Montefiore-Einstein Heart Center cath lab stuff. If you have a STEMI in many Bronx or  lower Westchester hospitals, Empress does the STAT txp from where you are infarcting to the cath lab. EG: St Joes, Mt Vernon, Sound Shore, NCB, Jacobi.

     Empress also has a crew 24X7 at the old Westchester Square hospital, which was part of the deal with NYS- if that facility was to be a treatment center with no admission beds, there had to be a dedicated EMS presence there to txp folks that needed admission.

    Empress is also doing some pretty complex work for Einstein involving ECMO- Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation call. These machines are a way of pumping blood and oxygenating blood outside the body while the problem with the heart and lungs is fixed. They are bulky and very heavy. The pt's are usually in an induced come with 5-6 medicated drips, a ventilator, an arterial line monitor and EKG and  ETCO monitor. We take two MD's and a perfusionist with us. These are very are intense jobs.

    Empress also now handles the Live-On NY organ transplant team. We gather a fly-car full of medical staff, run them to where the doner is, then bring the team and the organs to where they need to go. Or we meat a team at an airport with an incoming organ. I hear last night we did SEVEN of these jobs.


Not trying to brag(*) but the reaction I have gotten from the facility staff has been, quoting, 'You guys are 10 times better than Transcare', and on another occasion, 'Oh, you're not Transcare? Good!'

*= OK maybe a little bit. I Still feel very bad for any still left jobless, or owed pay/vacation etc.


FYI: Empress bought some Transcare ambulances at auction. If you want a photo-op before they get re-lettered, let me know.


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