
Village Of Port Chester Disbands Career FD

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I would think that is ruling could certainly be appealed. Espically if there was a written contract by these Port Chester Firefighters when these lay offs took effect. 


That is a legal document agreed upon by and signed by each side. 


If there was no contract in place, then I think it could be much tougher to appeal it. 

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48 minutes ago, nfd2004 said:

I would think that is ruling could certainly be appealed. Espically if there was a written contract by these Port Chester Firefighters when these lay offs took effect. 


That is a legal document agreed upon by and signed by each side. 


If there was no contract in place, then I think it could be much tougher to appeal it. 

Unless there was a no layoff clause or a guarantee of employment as part of the contract, I don't believe that the contract being in effect would be relevant. Also, it depends on how they stopped paying them. If they abolished the job title of firefighter then it would be difficult to have a court overturn the action.  That seems to be the reason they tried the court of public opinion/referendum route. 

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As stated, the petition lacked the signers voting district thereby invalidating the petition.  Also stated, the signers addresses were listed and could easily be added.  So add the voting districts and re-submit the petition.  It did not indicate that the signer needed to include the district at the time of signing so just do it now.


That said, the three trustees seeking to invalidate the petition are true politicians subverting the will of the people.

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Nice job by Rye stepping up and hiring 2.  Slowly the 8 will be in better departments with better leadership.  How many are now employed in new departments? 

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10 hours ago, PCFD ENG58 said:

4, 2 in Rye Brook and now 2 in the City of Rye . 4 more to go !



  These are jobs that if those Port Chester Firefighters had NOT been eliminated, perhaps could have been filled by younger volunteer members currently from within the Town of Port Chester. They sure  MIGHT have had a better chance of becoming a career firefighter if not taken by those Port Chester Firefighters. But can you blame these places like Rye Brook and Rye. Those guys can just step right into these jobs.


  So those younger wanna be career firefighters just think about this. Not only did your leaders sell those Port Chester Firefighters down the river, "they did it to you too". So you all can personally thank your Fire Service Leaders for taking a great possible future away from "YOU TOO".  


  And for the younger volunteer members OUTSIDE of Port Chester who have any hopes of someday becoming a career firefighter, "just remember what happened here". It won't affect me, but it sure might have an affect on you.

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"PCFD Eng 58, can you give us more details ?


Was this car fire extinguished by the Port Chester Firefighters ? I assume that is the case.


Is the mayor aware of this picture ? Does he/she have any comments to say about it now ?


Was it the fire departments head (assuming Vol Chiefs), that told the mayor, these guys did nothing ?


Was there volunteer firefighters also on the scene ? How many ?


Since the Port Chester Firefighters have lost their jobs, does somebody monitor everything that goes on regarding incidents involving the FD ?

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Fires in general  This is just one photo that shows engine 58 at work at a car fire  He was told that because we rode with one firefighter we did very little at the locations what ever it was . This shiff there happened to be two firefighters on the engine

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"PCFD Eng 58", I just read your comment (12/31/2016) on page 2 of "The Fractured Fire Service of Norwich, Ct". It seems that the place you once lived in, Port Chester, isn't the same.


 As I see it, Port Chester FD took a big step BACKWARDS. So many places are finding ways of either hiring firefighters or contracting out to outside departments who do have an on duty crew.


 As an example, in Portland, Ct., an all volunteer dept,, they contracted out with the nearby Middletown Fire Dept to send at least one piece of manned apparatus to incidents.


 Another small town near me, Preston, Ct., hired three firefighters for daytime coverage and a fulltime chief. The fire dept also provides the ambulance service as well.


 Another small local town (Ledyard, Ct) just hired one additional firefighter to add to the Monday through Friday coverage of Three firefighters, plus a fulltime fire marshal.


To my north there are the small towns of Canterbury and Voluntown who do the same.


 In these examples presented, could they all be wrong in hiring full time firefighters ? I'm sure it comes with a price, but so does most of our other basic necessities in life come with a price tag. Our food, clothing, shelter. Our other public service employees that we all count on such as our teachers, police, public works, and our military.


 The City of Port Chester hasn't felt it yet. But I'm sure the day will come when SOMEONE WILL feel the effects of this decision, either in property loss or even injury or worse.


 After this decision was made:


1) Did all of those laid off Port Chester Firefighters find other fire dept jobs" ?


2) What happened to Chief Quinn after his comments to break windows on a firefighters home ? I can tell you this, "had those comments been made by career firefighters I know, they'd be looking at a few weeks suspension with NO pay had it become social media news".





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5 of the 8 have been picked by other depts. in the area and nothing has happened to soon to be ex chief [ midnight ] . But the new chiefs coming are the same . Sad very sad  spent 2 weeks there before going south for winter and never heard a box call filled out , some 1 engine only showed .

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State: Port Chester retaliated against dismissed firefighters

PORT CHESTER — The village retaliated against eight professional firefighters when it eliminated the paid portion of the fire department last May, according to the state labor department.

But what the village has called a budgetary decision came less than a month after the paid firefighters filed a formal complaint with the state labor department's Public Employee and Safety Health Bureau, PESH.

The complaint outlined missteps allegedly made by department volunteers during a March 2 fire at 40 Cottage Place that it said led to firefighter injuries.

The state's decision, dated Dec. 30, says: "Upon review of the PESH investigative report, the investigative interview summaries and the documentary evidence obtained in the course of the investigation, it is the (state labor) department's determination that the (volunteer) fire department has behaved in a discriminatory and/or retaliatory manner against the (paid firefighters)."

*Excerpts from article

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Now we will see, but I don't expect much as this has been going on for a long time . When I was on the job we had to watch our backs not from the fire but from certain men .

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"Viper" thank you for keeping us updated on this latest ruling. Of course it will be interesting to see what the opposing side has to say about it. As they claim that their side of the story was not heard by the state authorities.


 The laid off Port Chester Firefighters have already been eliminated without any state hearing at all. Both sides of the story should have been told BEFORE any action was taken regarding those Port Chester Firefighters. It is similar to being sentenced to prison BEFORE having any legal hearing.


  It is my hope that should that be proven to be the case, those eight former Port Chester Firefighters seek justice for unfair treatment and unjust cause. They should seek their former positions back if requested, along with ALL back pay and benefits as well. A counter suit should also be filed for being subject to a hostile environment and harassment.


 The citizens as well should be made fully aware through the media should those Port Chester Firefighters win this case successfully. It should also be brought up about the Chief Quinn remarks of breaking windows of other firefighters.

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Information on Port Chester volunteer firefighters proves elusive


PORT CHESTER - Nearly a year after the village cut all eight of its paid firefighters, officials finally released documentation that drove that controversial decision — kind of.

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Just a review , Port Chester had 16 Firefighters the last 8 that retired over time did not get replaced. 4 groups of 4 manning 2 engines . Engine 58 and Engine 59 24/7 for 109 years.

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Please share a little more if you don't mind:


1) I believe at one point dispatch was done at the fire stations. If E58 had to respond, then E59 station would handle dispatch & vise-versa. Did that end years ago and how is dispatch handled now?


2) I read about the PCFD would put a career firefighter in Rye Brook on the overnights. Is that correct? If so, how did they manage that with only 8 firefighters? With 58 & 59 staffed 24/7 who would go to Rye Brook? 


3) I didn't realize there were 16 career personnel at one time. When did they start reducing staff through attrition?


Sorry if my questions aren't exactly correct or are taking you back into ancient history, but it's been 25 years since I've been in Westchester. I do remember hearing "KNEZ 923 Village of Portchester on the air transmitting Box XXXX for XXXXXXXX, E58 or E59 with 2 volunteer engines, 1 ladder & the rescue....." 

Edited by LayTheLine
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Saw this today on my way to Costco. Seems a little bit unprofessional  if you ask me due to the circumstance


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55 minutes ago, DR104 said:

Saw this today on my way to Costco. Seems a little bit unprofessional  if you ask me due to the circumstance



I guess you can assume from this that the volunteers have accepted that there will be no paid personnel in, at least, the near future. And, I agree this is in poor taste given the circumstances by which their paid 'brothers' lost their jobs and livelihood.


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If the members currently assigned to this firehouse want to be considered "professional" then they must meet those "professional standards". Beginning with a quick response out the door when the alarm comes in. The question is, "will they be able to replace the laid off professional career firefighters who once operated out of that firehouse" ? That means 24 hours a day/7 days a week.


 Any one who has ever been inside a burning building knows very well how dangerous it is and how quickly that heat and smoke can build up. As firefighters operating inside those buildings we get to appreciate our protective equipment, and our life saving air pack giving us fresh air. It's tough enough for those guys, BUT for the UNtrained and Unprotected citizens trapped in there, "IT's VERY MUCH WORSE".







 Every passing second counts as they try to breathe. For those people there may be no way out. The super heated air that's left starts to burn their lungs as every breath they try to take. They are the one's that will truly decide at that moment who the Professionals really are. The Professionals will make the utmost attempt at getting them out because that's their job and there is NO TIME TO WASTE. This is NOT a Game or some Make Believe Training session. But in a matter of minutes, people could die. Somebodies mother, father, brother, sister, friend. Maybe somebody you know.


 At least to me, I consider BOTH Career and Volunteer Firefighters to be Professionals with a very important job to do. But here in Port Chester, it was decided that this job can be completed WITHOUT the use of any career firefighters. Most places these days find it to be quite the OPPOSITE though. Due to todays very busy work schedules and much more training requirements, the volunteer numbers are dwindling and it is necessary to hire MORE Career Firefighters. Not really because they want to, but because they HAVE TO. It is just more and more difficult these days to count on the skills of the required number of volunteer firefighters.


 We can assume that Port Chester is about to prove otherwise. As Professionals, those Volunteer Firefighters should be able to prove themselves "Each and Every Time", without the use of any Career Firefighters. So with this unique, newly created situation, many of those involved in todays fire service will be closely watching. "I know I will". But most importantly, for the Citizens who live and work in Port Chester, and for those PROFESSIONALS that Protect Them, "IT'S SHOWTIME".



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18 hours ago, DR104 said:

Saw this today on my way to Costco. Seems a little bit unprofessional  if you ask me due to the circumstance


Shouldn't that say "Professionally Staffed by a guy who lives in FL during the winter cause its cold up here. He is old and only makes 4 calls a year but hey we need the numbers". Maybe that is a bit to long. Bring back the Actual Professional firefighters and release your rolls. Are they still scared people will see what a fraud you have been perpetrating with these claims of 300 active members?

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19 hours ago, DR104 said:

Saw this today on my way to Costco. Seems a little bit unprofessional  if you ask me due to the circumstance


Looking at this i have to wonder, do they staff the firehouse now? Like are there 4-6 guys per rig in the station 24/7? That to me would be what that sign is saying. I know in some towns (not Westchester), the house is manned at all times. There are bunks and rooms where guys sleep the over night. I have a feeling that while their hearts are in the right place, they are not giving the people of Port Chester what they deserve. I don;t think we have to wait for someone to die or be seriously hurt to start doing what is right. Letting guys go solely to help a line in the budget was not a good move. As a career guy i am also offended that they say they are "Professionally Staffed". This is not their job. This is what they volunteer to do. The guys who's profession this was were let go in the most egregious manner possible. 

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3 hours ago, FF402 said:

Just keeps getting worse for Port Chester. It's been a year out now and still they cant produce the simple info of the rolls. I bet when something goes wrong (i hope not) and OSHA/PERM/NIOSH come to town this will all end real quick and real ugly. When someone above the city says they want this stuff, the redacted info ain't gonna cut it. Everyday they play this game is another day that people are questioning what they are trying to hide.

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Port Chester and Rye Brook settle fire contract dispute

After a year-long disagreement over an alleged breach of a shared fire services contract, Port Chester and Rye Brook have reached a settlement, the villages announced Thursday.

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