
Connecticut Firefighters Saddest Day

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Some 54 years ago it is still the most Tragic Day throughout the Fire Service of Connecticut.  That day on April 3, 1962, when FOUR Norwich, Ct Firefighters lost their lives in a chemical explosion which occurred on Forest St in that city. It is known as the Van Tassel Explosion taking the lives of Fire Captain William Sheridan, Firefighter Leonard Counihan, Firefighter Edward Ramano, and Firefighter Carl Burke.


The only two firefighters to survive this explosion were Firefighters Thomas Demauro, who has since passed on, and Fire Lt Thomas LaFrenere. Retired Lt Tom LaFrenere had to face what no other firefighter in the State of Connecticut had to face. The loss of Four of his Brother Firefighters at one incident.


Here is Lt LaFrenere as he talks in 2012 at the dedication of a Firefighter Memorial on the 50th Anniversary of that Tragic Day in April, 1962.


Part 1.


Part 2.


 50th Anniversary Memorial Dedication at Norwich (CT) Fire Headquarters in April, 2012  

FFPCogs, ARI1220, sueg and 3 others like this

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Thanks for posting this. For some reason, I've never come across the story of this tragedy. Definitely some sobering lessons to be learned from the Lt in the video and the brave men who perished from it.

nfd2004 and Westfield12 like this

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