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Kiryas Joel (Orange) - Multiple Alarm - 03/31/16

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Date:  03/31/16
Time:  1315hrs
District:  Kiryas Joel


Channel:  FG-A/Command-A

Weather:  Windy
Units:  KJFD, Washingtonville (FAST), Monroe (Truck), Woodbury (Engine), South Blooming Grove (Engine), 36-16, 36-1, 36-3, OCFI's, Salisbury Mills (S/B Eng), Chester (S/B Trk) *more see below
Writer:  BFD1054

Description:. Working Structure Fire

1325hrs-Command requesting Monroe's truck to the front of the building and the 1st due M/A Engine to lay-in to the scene.


1332hrs-Washingtonville FAST on scene.


1340hrs-OC911 conducting a status check.

Command advising (1) line in operation, heavy fire in the basement with extension to the 1st floor, using all hands, requesting the next due FAST.

OC911 advising it will be Vails Gate.


1342hrs-OC911 alerting Vails Gate for the FAST M/A to KJ.


1344hrs-Command advising 100X75 2-story wood structure, heavy fire, primary searches are (-).


1345hrs-Vails Gate R480 (FAST) responding.


1346hrs-36-16 advising heavy fire 1st & 2nd floors, (3) lines and (2) ladder pipes in operation.


1351hrs-36-16 advising that Command is pulling all firefighters out of the building.

 - OC911 sounding the evacuation tones


1359hrs-36-16 requesting the S/B companies (Chester Truck & Salisbury Mills Engine) to the scene plus (2) additional Engines and to back-fill for stand-by.


1400hrs-OC911 alerting Monroe & Tuxedo; (1) Engine each to the scene in KJ.


1401hrs-OC911 alerting Goshen; (1) Truck to stand-by KJFD.


1402hrs-OC911 alerting Highland Falls; (1) Engine to stand-by KJFD


1403hrs-Vails Gate Car-5 advising their FAST is on scene.


1418hrs-Stand-by companies requested to move up to the scene. 


1420hrs-OC911 alerting Cornwall and Greenwood Lake; Cornwall (Truck) and Greenwood Lake (Engine) to stand-by KJFD.


1426hrs-Stand-by companies being moved up to the scene while assembling.

 - Cornwall unable to staff their Truck.

 - OC911 inquiring if they can staff an Engine.  Cornwall C1 advising affirmative.  OC911 advising Cornwall to re-locate (1) Engine to KJFD.


1427hrs-OC911 alerting New Hampton; (1) Truck to stand-by KJFD.


1430hrs-36-16 requesting an additional FAST.

 - OC911 alerting Circleville; FAST to the scene in KJ.


1435hrs-Circleville unable to crew a FAST.

 - OC911 alerting West Point; FAST to the scene in KJ.


*At about this time, I had to sto monitoring 







Edited by BFD1054
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