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Yonkers - Working Fire 2-12-16 (#2)

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Date: 2-12-15
Time: 14:50hrs
Location: 114 Maple St Apt 3E C/S Walnut St
District: Yonkers

Channel: Fireground 2
Units: Yonkers FD Engine 304, Engine 310, Engine 307,  Engine 314, Engine 313, Ladder 75, Ladder 73

          (On The 10-30) Ladder 70 (FAST), Car 2, Engine 314 (Safety), MSU, Fire Investigator

           New Rochelle FD    Engine 22, Ladder 12 (Relocate Yonkers Station 3)

           WCPD                       Arson K-9 (Daisy)
Description: Dispatched as a possible structure fire. Receiving multiple calls. No Battalion Chief on assignment due to concurrent working fire in the city.


14:55 Engine 304 on scene, 4 story brick, "people are pointing"


14:56 Engine 304 transmitting 10-29 (working fire), requesting a FAST to respond


14:58 Squad 11 is in service from the other fire, responding to this job


14:59 Engine 310 reporting 4 story ordinary, smoke showing from exposure 4 3rd floor, companies working


15:00 Car 2 responding, requesting to make it a 10-30 (fill out the assignment)


15:01 Rescue 1 clearing other fire scene, responding to this job


15:02 Yonkers Dispatch advising Car 2 only 1 Engine available in city, being assigned as a Safety Unit, Car 2 requesting to bring in mutual aid covers


15:10 Maple St Command reporting fire on the third floor, fire is under control, overhauling, 3 lines stretched, 1 still operating

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