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Newburgh Fire Dept.

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The latest incident report has a command vehicle, two engines (#1 & #3) and a truck. Then there is M/A. Is Newburgh only operating with two engines and a truck? Is there an E#2?

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Compare what the response to this fire is Newburgh WAS to what it would be in New York City.

Or in westchester. Or in your town.

My town would have about as many members on the working fire as they do on the second alarm. Why is that? Why is minimal staffing ok? Newburgh is a union department. Why don't the members push for more resources to be called in.

We know how many people it takes to fight a fire effectively. Why in any jurisdiction to we allow this level of response to continue?

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Compare what the response to this fire is Newburgh WAS to what it would be in New York City.

Or in westchester. Or in your town.

My town would have about as many members on the working fire as they do on the second alarm. Why is that? Why is minimal staffing ok? Newburgh is a union department. Why don't the members push for more resources to be called in.

We know how many people it takes to fight a fire effectively. Why in any jurisdiction to we allow this level of response to continue?

Do you think the members don't push for more? On a second alarm we have another engine plus the spare truck manned, another Assistant Chief, a FAST from mutual aid, an additional engine from mutual aid, plus whatever else is needed. When help is needed, we call it in. If we don't need it, why call everyone and their brother?

BFD1054, nfd2004 and COH Bulldog like this

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Do you think the members don't push for more? On a second alarm we have another engine plus the spare truck manned, another Assistant Chief, a FAST from mutual aid, an additional engine from mutual aid, plus whatever else is needed. When help is needed, we call it in. If we don't need it, why call everyone and their brother?

What's the time frame for additional help to arrive!

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For anyone who expects more, keep in mind this is a city with a population under 30k and more than a quarter of its residents are below the poverty line. Sure 4 engines and 2 trucks would be great, but with what money ?

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The City of Newburgh Firefighters are to be commended for their dedication to their jobs as firefighters. Those firefighters must deal with the cards that are dealt them. Of course every firefighter of that city would want more manning. I am sure they all fully understand how manning can have a very serious effect on both the civilians lives they are to protect as well as their own safety. Excluding any property damage. It is the first few minutes in any fire that have the most effect on it's outcome.

I Salute the City of Newburgh Firefighters for the job they do.

Thank you for your dedicated service to the citizens of Newburgh.

Just today is an article that was posted in the NY Daily News on how important the addition of the FIFTH Firefighter to several Engine Cos is. It points out that now this will enable them to get that water on the fire TWICE as fast as before. I realize that Newburgh is not about to put a fifth firefighter on their engine companies. But it does point out how manning plays such an important part when fighting a fire. Here is that article.

Edited by nfd2004

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nfd2004, from someone who has seen Newburgh firefighters operate on countless occasions, I can say they never cease to amaze me. They are truly dedicated to their profession and bust their asses and then some to get the job done. What they do with the numbers they have is truly incredible.

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What's the time frame for additional help to arrive!

Depending on the time and day of the week, 10-20 minutes. We have no control over the volunteers crewing. Our area is already experiencing volunteer burnout from every district around us using automatic response for every call.

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The City of Newburgh Firefighters are to be commended for their dedication to their jobs as firefighters. Those firefighters must deal with the cards that are dealt them. Of course every firefighter of that city would want more manning. I am sure they all fully understand how manning can have a very serious effect on both the civilians lives they are to protect as well as their own safety. Excluding any property damage. It is the first few minutes in any fire that have the most effect on it's outcome.

I Salute the City of Newburgh Firefighters for the job they do.

Thank you for your dedicated service to the citizens of Newburgh.

Just today is an article that was posted in the NY Daily News on how important the addition of the FIFTH Firefighter to several Engine Cos is. It points out that now this will enable them to get that water on the fire TWICE as fast as before. I realize that Newburgh is not about to put a fifth firefighter on their engine companies. But it does point out how manning plays such an important part when fighting a fire. Here is that article.

With our SAFER grant, we routinely had four and sometimes five guys on our rigs. The difference was pretty dramatic. We went from one guy stretching the first line to two or three. Our current minimum is three on a rig. Trying to get better manning is something they were trying to achieve long before I got here.

We cover 3 square miles and a population of 30,000+. More than half of the population is below the poverty line. Median income is around $23,000. Out of 7,000 buildings, 980 are vacant.

We routinely apply for and utilize grant money for everything we can.

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On 2/11/16 at approximately 0200 hours there was a second alarm fire in Newburgh as posted in the incidents here. Listed as responding was T10. Is that the Reserve Ladder manned by called back firefighters ? Also, can I assume that both reserve engines were manned by off duty-called back, Newburgh Firefighters ?

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On 2/11/16 at approximately 0200 hours there was a second alarm fire in Newburgh as posted in the incidents here. Listed as responding was T10. Is that the Reserve Ladder manned by called back firefighters ? Also, can I assume that both reserve engines were manned by off duty-called back, Newburgh Firefighters ?

Yes, A second alarm will bring an off duty members back manning an Engine, a Truck and another Chief plus an additional off duty member to for rehab. If the manpower is not needed at the scene they hire back companies will cover the City.

billy98988 and BFD1054 like this

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On 2/11/16 at approximately 0200 hours there was a second alarm fire in Newburgh as posted in the incidents here. Listed as responding was T10. Is that the Reserve Ladder manned by called back firefighters ? Also, can I assume that both reserve engines were manned by off duty-called back, Newburgh Firefighters ?

That is correct. The reserve apparatus, when manned are designated Truck 10, Engine 10, 11

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