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Ride Along To Find Out How FDNY Navigates NYC's Toughest Intersections

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VERY cool video on Tillers and FDNY Chauffeur School by ABC 7 Eyewitness News.


The members of the New York City Fire Department respond to numerous emergencies every day, and navigating the busy streets can be a challenge for any driver.

Being behind the wheel of a giant fire truck and racing to the scene of an emergency is a difficult undertaking, and so the FDNY is prepared in making sure every firefighter who pilots one of their vehicles gets specialized instruction at the department's training headquarters.

The sessions take place at "The Rock" on Randall's Island.

One of the most complicated and crucial trucks in the fleet is called the tiller truck, which is a ladder truck in two parts that has a rear steering position in addition to the the driver in the front.

By splitting up the front and rear, this type of truck and make sharper turns and can make its way through some of the city's toughest intersections.

abc7ny was invited to take a behind-the-scenes look at how the tiller truck is operated. Now is your chance to come along for the ride.


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They should let people in to use that very cool video tiller simulator during the off times and charge. They'd make a lot of money off me lol!

It would also be cool if they made a home version.

Westfield12 likes this

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The secret to making a tiller man look good is a considerate driver up front, Sane speed, wide turns and backing up coordination.

It is always a good idea that the driver brings the tiller man along on the run. Many a good firehouse story revolved around this oversight not to mention rows of parked cars that were customized.

BIGRED1, nfd2004, x635 and 2 others like this

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Actually it would be good if a concerted effort could be made to get a driving simulator at Valhalla to train all firefighters. It is a rare firefighter that will not drive something in his/her career. Certainly some firefighters will be driving a rig every shift.

Perhaps a combination of funding from the County, private groups and insurance carriers that write municipalities, as theymight be interested in knocking down their exposure

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