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EMTBravo Stats Of The Day

1 post in this topic

These were some fun stats from todays visitors to EMTBravo, gathered by Google Analytics. Due to the infinite ways you can compile stats on the site, I may make this a regular feature featuring fun information gathered about the site. "Like" this post and if I get enough "Likes", it'll become a regular feature.

Today, we'll be looking at sessions and locations. These numbers fluctuate daily.

Total number of Sessions within the date range. A session is the period time a user is actively engaged with your website, app, etc. All usage data (Screen Views, Events, Ecommerce, etc.) is associated with a session.
As of 21:46hrs today, we've had 42,348 total sessions today. As reflected, people visit from around the world. These numbers fluctuate widely daily, and if I get enough likes to this post to continue the series, I'll break down even more stats from EMTBravo members from around the world visits

Top Ten Sessions by locations:

1. United States 41,788(98.68%)

2. Germany 137(0.32%)

3. Canada 96(0.23%)

4 (not set) 52(0.12%)1

5. Mexico 48(0.11%)

6. United Kingdom 30(0.07%)

7. Brazil 16(0.04%)

8. China 15(0.04%)

9. France 12(0.03%)

10.Australia 10(0.02%)

And some who didn't make the top ten but are still interesting :

13. Japan 9(0.02%)

16. Italy 6(0.01%)

17. Russia 6(0.01%)

22. Ireland 3(0.01%)

24. Myanmar (Burma) 3(0.01%)

27. Aruba 2(0.00%)

61. Saudi Arabia 1(0.00%)

52. Jamaica 1(0.00%)

48. Croatia 1(0.00%)

34. Guatemala 2(0.00%)

25. Poland 3(0.01%)

fdalumnus, Medic137, JP59 and 3 others like this

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