
"Liking" Other Members Posts

11 posts in this topic

I notice fewer & fewer people using the "Like This" button, now of course everyone is not going to "Like" everything but consider the contribution the person made to the topic.

As an example if a person creates an "Incident Alert" and they really take the time to put some details in the story please consider giving them some credit. I have seen some people who no longer post them because it appears no one cares.

If people post some photos of an incident and you like them let them know by hitting that "Like" button.

Good conversation started or comments you agree with in a topic give them some credit hit the button.

Just my opinion


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I gave you a like, Jim, because it's definitely something that's gone to the wayside. A lot of members won't reply to posts, and then they get to the point where they read and just move on. It's like looking at Facebook all day....eventually you just see a few posts and move on. But sometimes there's a great topic and some awesome information that comes across the threads, and no one acknowledges that they were there, that they read anything! I'm just as guilty of this, as sometimes I'm just catching up on things or just reading a few threads before I have to run out the door.

But, you're right. We should be acknowledging each other a little more with that tiny blue button in the lower left corner.

kfire94, Westfield12, x635 and 7 others like this

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JetPhoto, you hit the nail on the head. Even though it's a little thing, it's a way to let people know we appreciate them taking the time to post and add knowledge, information, or photos to our community, making it better for everyone.

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Keep liking and show appreciation for the people that keep the content on this site going as stated in the first post of this thread! Thanks people!






lad45der, PHIL78, vodoly and 12 others like this

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Don't forget to hit likethis.jpg located at the bottom right of each post for posts you feel deserve it,


 By doing this, you show appreciation for other members contributions that you like. Little things like this help the forum tremendously and encourages members to keep posting, , so , for those that don't normally hit like, we hope you will start.



Billy, Westfield12, Steve and 2 others like this

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