
Croton FD Engine 119

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Croton Engine 119 has been out of service for a long time now, is this long term?

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Engine 119 has had recurring issues with the pump (believed to be the Pro-S Governor) as well as the ball valves from Akron Brass since it was built (the plastic ball valves don't like the water we get from our hydrants and static water sources). "Band-aid" repairs have been made to these issues over and over again for several years. Requests from our department to replace these components were put off repeatedly.

In August, we went out on a run one night and noticed the water tank was empty. When we refilled it, we noticed it was leaking. This prompted the rig to go out for repairs to the tank, as well as the above mentioned issues. Also being addressed was a "wish list" of items we had been asking for well over a year.

Currently, it is at Excelsior where they are just about done making all of the repairs. The Poly-Tank guys - as it's been reported to us - did not want to honor the warranty on the tank, and even suggested we just "carry less water" to reduce how much leaks out of it. This delayed progress several weeks.

Replacing the pump controller has required more work then anticipated, also delaying the process.

I'll refrain from my personal thoughts on the entire debacle and who I lay the blame on here, as it isn't the place to do it. I thank Excelsior for their efforts and time, I know it's got to be frustrating dealing with the work itself, us, and the other parties involved.

I'd also like to thank the other two Engine Companies in Croton that have been picking up our usual first and second due runs. Our entire company appreciates it.

Lastly, I give my appreciation to the members of our company that have been dealing with the misery that comes from not having our own apparatus, and "making due" using Tanker 10 and Utility 14 where we normally would be running E119.

If anyone has any other questions or comments, feel free to email me at jmunson@crotonfd.org.


AFS1970, Westfield12, x635 and 3 others like this

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I saw a picture of E-119 from lastnites fire in Mohegan glad to see she is back in service

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