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FDNY Orders Ambulances To Forcefully Remove Homeless From The Streets

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I don't know how I feel about this one. Homeless people should absolutely not be allowed to freeze to death, but to take them off the street labeling them as an "EDP" so they can be forcefully transported by ambulance to an ED, I'm really split on this.



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This is in response to Cuomo executive action on homelessness. FDNY is not forcing the homeless to go to the hospital. They are a mere vehicle to get them there. The homeless intervention team signs a warrant for deeming the homeless a danger to himself. NYPD serves the warrant and assist in transport to one of the four designated hospitals.

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We're (Fire) are getting killed with this right along with NYPD and EMS. We three agencies have the most contact with people on the streets and so we are utilized to treat the homeless.

This serves one purpose...get the homeless out of the public eye. Clearly this has become a political hot-potato for diBlasio (aka Red Bill) and Cuomo. It doesn't fix the issue, just sweeps it under the rug by running engine companies and EMS units into the ground....

x635, AFS1970 and on the job like this

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Where does it say that EMS crews shall use force to remove homeless to a shelter?

If a warrant is signed by the "homeless intervention team" (I'd like to hear more about who they are and how they sign warrants for this) and the NYPD executes the warrant, the EMS crew is really nothing more than a ride.

I'm not a fan of all this "executive action" but it is being sensationalized a lot and misrepresented. I imagine that there are lawyers lining up to challenge this the first time it happens too.

AFS1970, x635 and EmsFirePolice like this

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