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NYS*DOT's Newest Snow Fighting Equipment: Tow Plows

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I wonder if any will make it down to this region. One can only hope given the undermanned and underequipped plowing efforts in Westchester region last year.



GEDDES, N.Y. – The state's team of snowplow drivers can now clear two lanes at a time, thanks to a new fleet of 62 tow plows.

The new plows can clear a 24-foot-wide span. Trucks without the extra tow equipment clear a 12-foot-wide path. The larger equipment travels at about 35 mph, in part to make sure salt is evenly distributed.

It takes only one driver to operate the trucks with the extra blade attachment, thanks to two cameras mounted on the extensions. Traditional trucks, without the cameras, require two workers in the cab.


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Awesome. Add more workload but it's all good because there's technology to make it better.

Just because it looks cool, or seems awesome, Doesn't mean it is.

Remember, one plow is now doing the job of two. With ONE driver. That means less drivers are needed. Less jobs.

Kinda like those self checkout lanes. Seems cool, but it's just a way to pull jobs off the line. You can have one person doing the same job four used to be doing.

Dinosaur, Newburgher and Morningjoe like this

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I saw one up in Rochester last week. They were definitely training with it since there's a lack of the white stuff right now.

Michigan DOT has been using these for a few years now, and they seem to be working great for them.

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That should probably be a two person operation and they should let the single plow trucks be single person operations. That's a lotta truck for one guy in poor road conditions.

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Did you see the video?

The operator spent a TON of time looking at that stupid sled in his mirrors.

Another fantastic invention to "SAVE MONEY" and operate "MORE EFFICIENTLY".

Or to cut jobs.

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When you're driving on 9A, Taconic, and other local NYS*DOT roads that aren't getting plowed hours after a storm has begun and are a nightmare, something has to give. The state doesn't want to pay or equip this region to properly plow the roads in a timely manner. If this will help clear them faster, I'm all for it. It could also allow for more equipment to be on the road, allowing plow crews to make more passes. As far as eliminating jobs, the same was said when firefighters were switching from manual pumps to steamers.

This technology, however, has been proven in other states, and was developed primarily in Canada, in regions that get regular snowfall that makes our storms look puny. It's a learning curve for sure, and I hope NYS has done extensive testing before making this purchase. But it's like switching from a rear mount straight stick to a tiller or tower. Two machines that get the same job done, but in different ways.

What I find weird is that the NYS*DOT plows that have wings require a second person to spot and operate the wings, and I think these should have a "wingman" for operating and spotting the tow plow.

Here's another video of tow plows in action:

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Seems to me that the new plows allow for the second man to operate another truck from the existing fleet and clear additional roads without additional money spent or manpower lost. Smart sound use of taxpayer money.

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What I find weird is that the NYS*DOT plows that have wings require a second person to spot and operate the wings, and I think these should have a "wingman" for operating and spotting the tow plow.

NYSDOT do not use a wing man its a driver only.

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Without manpower lost?

There isn't a guy driving a second or third truck now. These are designed to eliminate jobs.

I get that it all costs money, I do. I pay taxes too. But anytime something like this comes up, jobs are lost. Either thru attrition or cuts, jobs are lost.

Cities try out quints. Jobs are lost. Wow, we can have four guys in a station on one truck instead of eight on two??!! Wow, that's neat. And EFFICIENT. Anytime an administrator uses that word, there's likely an axe swinging somewhere.

Newburgher, fdalumnus and AFS1970 like this

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NYSDOT in Westchester is an abolishion! Just today I was on the Taconic at around 12:30 pm southbound near Underhill Ave. A small dump with a quad cab with no snowfighting equiptment was crawling at 30 mph creating a TRAFFIC HAZARD! Seems like I see alot of "quad cab" NYSDOT trucks crawling everywhere around the county...nobody ever gets out..except for one hour breakfast breaks in the and a half hour lunch breaks at noon...and one hour drives back to the yard for a 45 minute washup at the end of the day? Is anybody monitoring these crews? You do know that when they are called in for overtime they are paid from the minute the call takes place...then given at least a one hour window to show up and then guaranteed 8 hours pay even if the storm fizzles out! WASTE OF MY TAX DOLLARS

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Without manpower lost?

There isn't a guy driving a second or third truck now. These are designed to eliminate jobs.

I get that it all costs money, I do. I pay taxes too. But anytime something like this comes up, jobs are lost. Either thru attrition or cuts, jobs are lost.

Cities try out quints. Jobs are lost. Wow, we can have four guys in a station on one truck instead of eight on two??!! Wow, that's neat. And EFFICIENT. Anytime an administrator uses that word, there's likely an axe swinging somewhere.

...i get ya, but if this works an it saves money in the long run, tough to argue....

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Nysdot in the process of testing them on I84

Why? They're just going to close 84 anyway. Only interstate I've seen that has barriers at all the on ramps. It's not even the worst highway in the state but it gets all the attention from Unkle Andy.

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NYSDOT in Westchester is an abolishion! Just today I was on the Taconic at around 12:30 pm southbound near Underhill Ave. A small dump with a quad cab with no snowfighting equiptment was crawling at 30 mph creating a TRAFFIC HAZARD! Seems like I see alot of "quad cab" NYSDOT trucks crawling everywhere around the county...nobody ever gets out..except for one hour breakfast breaks in the and a half hour lunch breaks at noon...and one hour drives back to the yard for a 45 minute washup at the end of the day? Is anybody monitoring these crews? You do know that when they are called in for overtime they are paid from the minute the call takes place...then given at least a one hour window to show up and then guaranteed 8 hours pay even if the storm fizzles out! WASTE OF MY TAX DOLLARS

What is an "abolishion"?

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What is an "abolishion"?

sorry abominasion...or in english...they spend more time driving to eat than they do working....has to be the greatest job in the nothing...get paid...amen!..they need six trucks in formation to watch one guy mow grass.....or three trucks to clear road kill...yet the flimsy barrier on rt. 9a in Briarcliff Manor has been down and dotted with cones for at least 4 weeks...solution wait for a saturday around mid day on overtime to look at it then take another two days of overtime to fix it....

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Plus they are underequipped and understaffed, and poorly coordinated. They use the "task force" concept now. If there is a big storm that's going to hit Long Island, they'll send crews and equipment from all over the state to that area. If we're going to get a storm, they do the same and on it goes.

Last year, 9A and Route 9 in the Peekskill/Garrison was HORRIBLE, and it took plow trucks hours to make their first pass on several occasions. These are dangerous, heavily traveled roads. Same when I commuted on the Taconic a couple years back. I would travel from Yonkers to Yorktown an hour after the first flakes started falling, and the entire stretch of the Taconic was untouched, cars skidded out all over the place and people like me just trying to get through, and I didn't see a single truck in either direction. And, on numerous occasions in Putnam last year, fire departments had to be called out to help close the Taconic and I-84.

And the Thruway Authority used to be meticulous about its roadways, quickly and efficiently salting and/or plowing. I don't know what happened to that, but at least they staff a 3-11 "Patrol" shift during the winter to at least have a first response quickly (don't know if they still do that or not)

Being a "Snowplow buff", they need some logistical assistance. And, I don't care what it costs, their main priority as DOT is to keep the roads open and clear at all times. Not being able to respond to snowstorms in a timely and efficient manner is unacceptable. If they can prove this equipment works for them, then great. They need any kind of help they can get. But don't leave all the trucks that are intended to pull them broken down with no mechanics on duty.

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Why? They're just going to close 84 anyway. Only interstate I've seen that has barriers at all the on ramps. It's not even the worst highway in the state but it gets all the attention from Unkle Andy.

Try driving I-80 and/or I-90 west of Illinois. There are big fines for driving around those barriers too!

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What happens when one these behemoths breaks down or wrecks or just plain gets stuck? The roadway is effectively blocked, snow or no snow.

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