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Rockland Shows Off New State Issued Foam Equipment

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Rockland County is banking on foam to help it fight fires caused by an oil train accident or gas tanker explosion

Its latest tools include a trailer containing 600 gallons of foam concentrate and a device to shoot foam solution hundreds of feet away.

"This gives us the ability to get started right away in the event of a major flammable liquid fire," Dan Greeley, assistant director of Rockland County's Office of Fire and Emergency Services, said Tuesday.

The state recently sent the trailer to Rockland, one of 19 county and fire departments across New York expected to receive one. The trailer will be stationed at the Orangeburg Fire Department, Greeley said.

Westfield12, x635 and EmsFirePolice like this

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How is the state deciding who gets one? And if a department wants the purchase the exact same one, are they available on state bid or another purchasing program?

Seems like something Yonkers or New Rochelle should have.

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The trailers are for the NYS foam task force, They are spaced along the CSX line from Erie County, down the West side of the Hudson, as well as from Albany north, along the CP line. (Following the crude shipments) The spacing is to get 3 on the scene anywhere along the line within 45 minutes. If the state task force is activated, the manpower expenses are reimbursed. If they are used on a local response, the State will help with the paperwork to bill the insurance company. Either way, there re foam stockpiles to put the trailers right back in service after the emergency.

x635, Disaster_Guy and Westfield12 like this

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Should charge a fee per tank car in order to better prepare Fire Departments along the Balkan routes, the fee would not have to excessive per car,as so many of these tank cars are on the move each day, the revenue could be considerable and all sorts of equipment, supplies and training could be given to local Departments and regional response efforts.

Seems the expense is borne by the locals and might not be happening in all states, perhaps a Federal fee distributed to the States then to the locals.

Could be big bucks without hurting the industry. fair is fair they are introducing this significant hazard to vast populated regions, they should be expected to help in the solution.

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Should charge a fee per tank car in order to better prepare Fire Departments along the Balkan routes, the fee would not have to excessive per car,as so many of these tank cars are on the move each day, the revenue could be considerable and all sorts of equipment, supplies and training could be given to local Departments and regional response efforts.

Seems the expense is borne by the locals and might not be happening in all states, perhaps a Federal fee distributed to the States then to the locals.

Could be big bucks without hurting the industry. fair is fair they are introducing this significant hazard to vast populated regions, they should be expected to help in the solution.

Aren't the Balkans in Eastern Europe? Would make more sense to tax the rail companies here in NY, no?

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The correct spelling of this crude is Bakken. my error---But many states are involved when it is shipped from areas such as the Dakotas and experienced has shown us the danger of the product. In Canada, a train cashed in a Quebec town and vaporized a portion of the population.

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