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Irvington - Major MVA with Multiple Pins 12-14-15

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Date: 12-14-15
Time: 09:07
Location: South Broadway & Dows Lane
District: Irvington

Battalion: 14

Channel: Fire 14

Weather: 52F, overcast
Units: (See unit listing below rundown)

Writer: x635

Description: MVA with multiple injuries and multiple pins

09:10 Car 2203 on scene, one car down an embankment into a tree major damage, one car on roadway also with major damage, subjects in both vehicles pinned, requesting 2 mutual aid ambulances in addition to Irvington VAC.

09:12 Car 2201 requesting Dobbs Ferry FD for extrication assistance, they will be needing multiple tools

09:42 Car 2203 advising all occupants have been extricated and are in care of EMS, Irvington FD units continuing to mitigate hazards, Dobbs Ferry FD will be taking up shortly


Irvington FD Engine 177, Rescue 49, Car 2201 (I/C), Car 2202, Car 2203

Dobbs Ferry FD Engine 48, Utility 24, Car 2092,

Irvington VAC 64-B-1, 64-B-2

Tarrytown VAC 81-B-1

Dobbs Ferry VAC 56-B-2

Greenburgh EMS 75 (ALS Flycar), 79 (ALS Ambulance)

Irvington PD

WCDES Battalion 14

**Please PM me with any updates or corrections**

Edited by x635
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