
Interstate Truck Equipment Is Going Out Of Business - And They Have Belltown's Aerialscope

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Interstate Truck Equipment, which was one of the largest and oldest Seagrave and Mack Fire Apparatus dealers in the country, serving the Washington, DC area, is going out of business. Of the many things they are known for, is buying out the remainder of Mack chassis, parts, and tooling when they went out of business. They have also refurbished numerous Macks and Aerialscopes, including Kentland's.

Belltown (Stamford, CT) has their Mack CF Aerialscope in the middle of a extensive refurbishment there. Does anyone know if this will affect that, or will they be able to complete it before closing the doors?


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Well, Belltown must be getting an extensive refurbishment, including a new body on their Mack CF chasis, as these carcasses lay in the back of ITE as of this past Friday. But they were also there when I visited a few months back. ITE looks like they are wrapping up operations as quickly as possible. I have heard that Belltown's tower is almost done, can anyone confirm that?



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TL-45 is now due to rejoin the fleet early next year. If all goes well, by mid January. She is getting a fairly extensive refit with a new body, axles, brakes and upgrades to the wiring and hydraulics where necessary. When she returns to service the only thing will be left that's original is the boom, which has a good 15 to 20 years left on it...especially in Asbestosville..uh ahem I mean Belltown.

x635, ARI1220, AFS1970 and 2 others like this

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45 as I'm told will be done shortly I was not given a specific timeframe but she's coming don't worry.

before this starts up again it is not former FDNY 157 Truck it was FDNY 138 Truck I had The vin run several years ago  by 

John Calderone himself I even have the paperwork from him!.

some of us are big fans of that old girl and now there is a big sister in town to play with too.

AFS1970, vodoly and Westfield12 like this

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A crack was found in the last section of the boom on TL-45 and it is now being replaced. With that there are no longer any components on the rig that are original.

Edited by FFPCogs

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7 hours ago, FFPCogs said:

A crack was found in the last section of the boom on TL-45 and it is now being replaced. With that there are no longer any components on the rig that are original.

Last section? Near the bucket or near the base? I only ask because I still see the 1996 decals on that section near the turntable.

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5 hours ago, AFS1970 said:

Last section? Near the bucket or near the base? I only ask because I still see the 1996 decals on that section near the turntable.

Top section Alan sorry...poor choice of words on my part

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1 hour ago, GreatPlains588 said:

How much did they spend on this refurb?

In the neighborhood of 250K

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If everything on the rig is essentially new, than why not enclose the cab?

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41 minutes ago, mfc2257 said:

If everything on the rig is essentially new, than why not enclose the cab?

Enclosing the cab would involve moving the turntable back about 3 feet which means re chassis-ing the rig.  It also means the rig wouldn't fit in the firehouse well enough to make the turns out of the bay. For our circumstances the refurb option was/is the best choice. This rig has plenty of life left in her, especially in our little corner of Stamford. Keeping her pretty much to her original design is actually a benefit here since she can go where no other new monster aerial can.

Edited by FFPCogs
vodoly, Dinosaur, AFS1970 and 2 others like this

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The dawg's still got a lot of bark n bite in her!! Can't wait to see it finished

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Will the "half doors" be put back on the back open cab?

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7 hours ago, x635 said:

Will the "half doors" be put back on the back open cab?

Yes their supposed to be. The pic is a few days old so I believe they are back on now. Last I heard 45 was due back in CT for lettering yesterday.

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