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Circleville (Orange) - 2nd Alarm - 11/26/15

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Date: 11/26/15

Time: 1130hrs

Location: Route 302 & 17M (Catskill Firecats Museum property)

District: Circleville

Units: Circleville, Middletown (FAST), Howells (Tanker), Washington Heights (Engine), Silver Lake (Engine), Bloomingburg (Tanker), 36-11, 36-6, OCFIs

Description: Working Fire

1130hrs-OC911 alerting Circleville for the possible structure fire, Route 302 in the area of the Valero gas station.

1133hrs-Circleville Chief on scene with a working fire (advising trailer fire), requesting his 2nd Alarm assignment.

- Also requesting Fire Investigators

1134hrs-2nd Alarm transmitted; Middletown (FAST), Washington Heights (Engine to the fill site) and Howells (Tanker).

1137hrs-OC911 alerting Silver Lake; request (1) Engine to re-locate to Circlevilles firehouse for stand by.

1141hrs-Command requesting the Engine from Silver Lake to re-direct to the scene.

- OC911 to back-fill with another company.

1143hrs-Command requesting Middletown Fire Police to the scene to shut down route 302.

1145hrs-OC911 alerting Middletown; Fire Police to the scene and (1) Engine to re-locate to Circlevilles firehouse for stand by.

1150hrs-Middletown HQ advisng that the Fire Police unit is en-route and E128 will be re-locating.

1157hrs-OC911 conducting a status check. Command advising main body of fire is knocked down, overhaul in progress, OC911 can discontinue the status checks.

1203hrs-36-109 (FI) on scene.

- Middletown Car-2 advising that his Fire Police are on scene.

1207hrs-36-11 requesting the Town of Wallkill Building Inspector to the scene.

Edited by BFD1054
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