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Animals can get help from EMTs in emergencies if bill passes

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I think we need a bill like this in New York.

Animals injured in events such as house fires will be able to get aid from first responders, if a bill that passed the Ohio House becomes law.

“Previously EMTS and paramedics were not able to treat animals because their scope of license prevented them from doing that,” said State Rep. Steve Huffman, R-Tipp City, who is vice chair of the House Health and Aging Committee. The bill was reported out of the committee on Wednesday.

Under the bill, first responders would be allowed to administer oxygen, stop bleeding and give other aid to animals once humans at the scene are treated. Police animals injured during drug sweeps or other events could also be treated.


fire2141 likes this

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Really? You need a bill now for the obvious I can recall at least four specific incidents over the years where we rescued and/or treated dogs at the scene. At the time there wasn't any hesitation to do so or concern that it wasn't 'legal' to do so.

GAW6 and vtach39680 like this

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I assume this is going to protect you if for some reason, someone were to sue you.

Sounds about right for today. Make an effort to save someone of their loved ones, human or otherwise, get an unhappy result, get sued. Glad I'm 'retired'.

EmsFirePolice and GAW6 like this

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So all those animal rescues we've all done....we've been breaking the law?? I'll go turn myself in now.

And those pet oxygen masks on my engine? Those are illegal?

We don't need more laws. We need more common sense.

GAW6, AFS1970, x635 and 1 other like this

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I don't believe this is oriented to us in the fire service. I think it is EMS where there are health regulations about treating and transporting animals in an ambulance.

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I don't believe this is oriented to us in the fire service. I think it is EMS where there are health regulations about treating and transporting animals in an ambulance.

I agree. I've seen cases where EMT's have been fired for treating but mostly transporting injured animals. I think a law is needed to give a crew permission, when necessary and available, to transport the animal to definitive care if no other resource/method is available.

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I agree. I've seen cases where EMT's have been fired for treating but mostly transporting injured animals. I think a law is needed to give a crew permission, when necessary and available, to transport the animal to definitive care if no other resource/method is available.

It wouldn't require a new law, simply revision of DOH codes/regulations that currently prohibit it.

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