
Somers To Hire Paid Fire Chief

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Wow. This is the most unprecedented and progressive moves I've seen in Westchester county in a long time.

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Way of the future, lack of good candidates coming up through ranks, lack of long term members sticking around, people don't just give this worthwhile job a good shake, they all have the hand out but don't do to make better for the dept. Just appears to be the way of the volunteer services today lots of depts are in this shape, but most won't think forward like this one is.

It sad to say I see it in many, including my own, but the people in power afraid to do right thing and the young afraid to step up for the right reasons, they do it for wrong reasons.

x635 and boca1day like this

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From what I read it's not a done deal the board just set aside money for next years budget in the event hiring a full time chief is warranted.

That's what they say, but if you read the article how could they not?

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Is that a full-time salary or part-time salary plus benefits?

Not saying it's a bad idea but what's the plan? Sounds like a smart way to add 125K to their reserve funds while seeming very proactive. And they probably have 125K in their reserve funds already so they didn't need to do this to have the funds available in 2016 (or 17) or whenever this is going to happen.

I am not at all opposed to the idea, I just think it may ultimately be the death of the volunteer department Somers.

Why become an officer if you can't become chief?
Why go to training if you can't become an officer? (not firematic training but higher level, officer type training)

Why should I volunteer if the chief is getting paid?

Will the first paid chief be one of the commissioners or family member of a commissioner?

See? Lots of unanswered questions.

fire2141 and GAW6 like this

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Why become an officer if you can't become chief?
Why go to training if you can't become an officer? (not firematic training but higher level, officer type training)
Why should I volunteer if the chief is getting paid?

To serve your community and department in any capacity regardless. This job sound just like it is primarily a paid administrator.

AFS1970 and COH Bulldog like this

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I also believe that this would have to go to a public referendum.

GAW6 and x635 like this

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I believe that a paid chief is a cival service position but a paid administrator can be a appointed position

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Is that a full-time salary or part-time salary plus benefits?

Not saying it's a bad idea but what's the plan? Sounds like a smart way to add 125K to their reserve funds while seeming very proactive. And they probably have 125K in their reserve funds already so they didn't need to do this to have the funds available in 2016 (or 17) or whenever this is going to happen.

I am not at all opposed to the idea, I just think it may ultimately be the death of the volunteer department Somers.

Why become an officer if you can't become chief?

Why go to training if you can't become an officer? (not firematic training but higher level, officer type training)

Why should I volunteer if the chief is getting paid?

Will the first paid chief be one of the commissioners or family member of a commissioner?

See? Lots of unanswered questions.

so let me get this straight, the only reason to become a vol ff is to be chief? and with that thinking, every member that joins has the capacity to be chief. And by that thinking now if you pay a chief, all the volunteers should quit. Different way of looking at things. interesting

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so let me get this straight, the only reason to become a vol ff is to be chief? and with that thinking, every member that joins has the capacity to be chief. And by that thinking now if you pay a chief, all the volunteers should quit. Different way of looking at things. interesting

That's what I got in it for. Who wants to fight fires when there's all that sweet paper work to do !

Danger, Stench60 and AFS1970 like this

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Is that a full-time salary or part-time salary plus benefits?

Not saying it's a bad idea but what's the plan? Sounds like a smart way to add 125K to their reserve funds while seeming very proactive. And they probably have 125K in their reserve funds already so they didn't need to do this to have the funds available in 2016 (or 17) or whenever this is going to happen.

I am not at all opposed to the idea, I just think it may ultimately be the death of the volunteer department Somers.

Why become an officer if you can't become chief?

Why go to training if you can't become an officer? (not firematic training but higher level, officer type training)

Why should I volunteer if the chief is getting paid?

Will the first paid chief be one of the commissioners or family member of a commissioner?

See? Lots of unanswered questions.

Not everybody is cut out to be an officer or chief and some people are happy to be firefighters. Nobody is entitled to those positions.

fdalumnus likes this

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I believe that a paid chief is a cival service position but a paid administrator can be a appointed position

Regardless of who, why or when this or isn't happening.

The law does not allow for a paid chief without that district going to New York State and getting state legislation passed allowing this to happen in a volunteer fire dept., unless there is already not an allowance for this in that department.

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Regardless of who, why or when this or isn't happening.

The law does not allow for a paid chief without that district going to New York State and getting state legislation passed allowing this to happen in a volunteer fire dept., unless there is already not an allowance for this in that department.

Chief, I am not sure that is correct per NYS Town Law unless you are talking about an Independent Fire Company that contracts with the District.

11-c. (Such Board of Commissioners) May adopt a resolution to employ paid firefighters and paid fire officers including but not limited to a paid chief of the fire district department, provide for their powers and duties, determine the chain of command in the fire department as between volunteer and paid firefighters, determine that paid chief and/or any other paid officers shall have charge of apparatus and other equipment, and determine that the volunteer firefighters and volunteer officers of the fire department shall act under the orders and control of such paid fire officers.   - See more at:

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Wouldn't' the Chief's position have to be a civil service test?

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