
Sharing Masks

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My department still shares masks and keeps them on the trucks. Wasn't there an OSHA or NFPA directive at some point that everyone was to be issued their own mask? Isn't it better that way?

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I can't tell you off the top of my head that there is an OSHA or NFPA regulation on sharing masks, but it's a heck of a way to save money. I mean, we share SCBA packs, bottles, equipment, living space, bunks, etc. I would think as long as the mask is thoroughly cleaned after each use it's not a problem.

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I started out at a time when masks were always shared, they were a part of the SCBA unit, so OSHA or not I don't have a problem with it. And yes, if you think about it sharing masks offer considerable savings, but being that the NFPA is the mouthpiece for manufacturers, it's no surprise that they "recommend" every FF be issued one...$$$$$$$$$

Edited by FFPCogs
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But we don't share turnout gear, helmets, hoods, gloves, etc. The mask is fitted to us, so why is it any different then the rest of the PPE?

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Like what was already said , when I started we had only 2 packs per rig and maybe 20 firefighters to each rig [vol ] and nobody died from lock jaw. As long as they are taken care of and don't share the snot go for it !

Edited by PCFD ENG58
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But we don't share turnout gear, helmets, hoods, gloves, etc. The mask is fitted to us, so why is it any different then the rest of the PPE?

We used to do that too. Gear used to be stored on the rig and it was first come first served. Now I'm not advocating a return to those "good ole days"..and they were good, damn good...but for financially strapped department's sharing gear should be an option (in fact in some parts it's the norm cuz there just ain't no other choice).

But hey what do I know I'm just a fossil who, like hundreds of other guys, did everything "wrong" and "unsafe" and yet here we are to tell the tale.

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But we don't share turnout gear, helmets, hoods, gloves, etc. The mask is fitted to us, so why is it any different then the rest of the PPE?

But you could. Nothing says you need your own custom turnout gear.

As for the masks, you are not fitted with a custom mask. You wear the size mask that fits you. S M-L or XL. Nothing special about it and at 300 bucks a pop, that's big bucks to some departments with lots of members.

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Nothing special about it and at 300 bucks a pop, that's big bucks to some departments with lots of members.

Or few members and even fewer dollars. Not every FD is it's own taxing district or is flush with funding. Even FDs in affluent towns sometimes have to scrape to get by, whether they have 100 members or ten. And now they want us to replace our turnouts every ten years too...yeah right...good luck with that.

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But you could. Nothing says you need your own custom turnout gear.

True, but we should be wearing gear that properly fits us, which in the context of what we're discussing is essentially the same thing as having "custom turnout gear" since the only thing that is typically individually customized within each department is the sizing and name tags if using them.

As for the masks, you are not fitted with a custom mask.

Not necessarily. Technically, I was custom fitted for my current mask and the one prior. In both cases, I was using a medium mask, but the medium nose cup insert was replaced with a small one in order to get a proper fit.

You wear the size mask that fits you. S M-L or XL. Nothing special about it and at 300 bucks a pop, that's big bucks to some departments with lots of members.

Right, you should be wearing the size mask that fits you, just like you should be wearing the size TOG that fits you. A prime reason that the vast majority of departments no longer use a community gear pool is because we are not all of the same shape and size. Because of that, the community gear pool can have significant limitations.

The same would be true with the masks. It'll probably be a routine occurance on most calls that somebody is probably going to be wearing the wrong size mask or not be able use one that is available because it doesn't fit right. In the current age, if someone were to be seriously injured or killed while wearing the wrong size mask, I'd be curious to the extent that a department would have liability for that and if it could have a negative impact on any benefits due to the person or their family.

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Bottom line NFPA and OSHA are only guidelines. Departments may choose to not follow them but then open them selfs to lawsuits.

Personally I am not gone share a mask on a regular bassis, I would in a RIT situation. Also remember to clean the bar on your regulator when you check your pack with the apporiate antibacterial cleaner.

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