New Hampton NY FD Wetdown For A Metz Ladder 8/15/15

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Tradition, good answer.

Confusing other drivers, making them react to oncoming EMERGENCY lights and sirens. No harm in conditioning the public that red lights and sirens don't mean anything. It's like the boy that cried wolf. I'm sure some of these same apparatus drivers and officers complain when the cars that are in the way don't move when they are going to a real emergency.

Is that new Truck in service yet? Does it carry ground ladders? How many?

Doesn't look like much compartment space

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Tradition, good answer.

Confusing other drivers, making them react to oncoming EMERGENCY lights and sirens. No harm in conditioning the public that red lights and sirens don't mean anything. It's like the boy that cried wolf. I'm sure some of these same apparatus drivers and officers complain when the cars that are in the way don't move when they are going to a real emergency.

I never said it was a good answer and I never said I agree with it.

Personally I think the practice is an accident and law suit waiting to happen. Furthermore, from the public's point of view, it makes a mockery of the fire service.

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I don't understand why both the lights and sires and the need for each incoming rig to spray down the new apparatus (I understand that this is a "wet down," but it seems a bit ridiculous in this fashion). It just makes more sens to me to have a bbq, invite everyone over, and have a little ceremony to put the new toy in service. I even like how some departments break a bottle of bubbly on the bumper in the same way you would christen a ship.

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Well I see one thing is done right...they're using the right type of nozzle for one of the only two jobs they're good for...the other being watering the lawn :P

Edited by FFPCogs
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Wow, that's all I can say without expletives. Thankfully that tradition never carried far enough north for any of us to see it up my way, truly an embarrassment those who might be associated with that type of event and antics, sadly that may carry over to the rest us as well. I feel for those Brothers and Sisters who belong to professional (volunteer and career) FD's that may be in the area where this kind of event takes place.

And I expected the Metz to be the worst decision I'd see on that video! :o

Edited by antiquefirelt
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And I expected the Metz to be the worst decision I'd see on that video! :o

I originally thought the Metz looked really cool and would be a great tool, and the folding bucket is awesome. But, now I see a lack of compartment space, and a lower turntable height. The folding bucket is still an awesome feature, though!

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I originally thought the Metz looked really cool and would be a great tool, and the folding bucket is awesome. But, now I see a lack of compartment space, and a lower turntable height. The folding bucket is still an awesome feature, though!

I must say that that comment was a bit tongue in cheek on my part. I've looked over and flown the Metz and would concede that there's probably a niche for an apparatus of it's size and weight. It's fast: both setting up and getting to the objective. Not a fan of the climbing space or the limited bucket size, but what on that chassis size you can't have it all.

So, it very well could be a fitting device in New Hampton, I have no frame of reference. There's one in western Maine that seems to be the only real option with tons of seasonal homes on dirt camp roads that an 80,000# aerial would roadblock within 20ft of leaving the pavement. Will an aerial a make a difference in those cases? Hmmmmmm....

Edited by antiquefirelt
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I originally thought the Metz looked really cool and would be a great tool, and the folding bucket is awesome. But, now I see a lack of compartment space, and a lower turntable height. The folding bucket is still an awesome feature, though!

I really don't see the advantage of the folding bucket? What does it do for? Save a little room? With a rig that size it's kind of just a drop in the bucket. It seems more of just a gimmicky novelty to me. Additionally what protection from heat might it provide the occupants of the bucket if its trying to pass or go above fire? I understand that they shouldn't have to rely on the bucket for protection but situations do arise where it could be necessary and could mean the difference between being safe and being seriously injured.

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Went to a wetdown once somewhere in the Great Neck, NY area, about 30 years ago (damn, I'm getting old) - no idea what department or where specifically - doesn't matter...

One wise guy climbed aboard an engine and intended to spray the new engine/truck with a deck monitor, and as he swung the monitor around toward the intended victim, he blew the dome off the rooflight on his own pumper with the monitor stream.

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I really don't see the advantage of the folding bucket? What does it do for? Save a little room? With a rig that size it's kind of just a drop in the bucket. It seems more of just a gimmicky novelty to me. Additionally what protection from heat might it provide the occupants of the bucket if its trying to pass or go above fire? I understand that they shouldn't have to rely on the bucket for protection but situations do arise where it could be necessary and could mean the difference between being safe and being seriously injured.

Metz is a very reputable aerial manufacturer with impeccable German engineering credentials, but it is also a European design based on European tactics...and therein as they say, lies the rub

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