
Numerous Fires None Being Posted

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Description several fires this past week and not one posted in the incident section two in yonkers, one each in port chester, spring valley, new city, and Circleville. if it wasn't for channel 12 news I wouldn't have known nothing about them. I remember when every fire in the area was posted including conneticut and all second alarms or greater of fdfny I real disappointed og how the incident log has become

AFS1970, Westfield12 and WCFCX613 like this

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jd783 thank you for the web page that's exactly what I wanted

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See you've been a member of this site since 2007, yet I don't see a single incident posted under your account. Why not contribute ?

I used to contribute incident alerts on occasion, but really don't have the time to sit and listen to the scanner for hours on end anymore.

Being that most of these incidents are now instantly posted up on Facebook these days, whats the incentive for users to spend hours listening to an incident rather than spending time with their families or other hobbies just so grateful users like yourself are satisfied ?

INIT915, WCFCX613, 10512 and 6 others like this

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See you've been a member of this site since 2007, yet I don't see a single incident posted under your account. Why not contribute ?

I used to contribute incident alerts on occasion, but really don't have the time to sit and listen to the scanner for hours on end anymore.

Being that most of these incidents are now instantly posted up on Facebook these days, whats the incentive for users to spend hours listening to an incident rather than spending time with their families or other hobbies just so grateful users like yourself are satisfied ?

and members wonder why no one is on this site anymore. at least this wasn't a paid vs volunteer bashing. good job!

FF398, CFI609D, SRS131EMTFF and 6 others like this

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Many things have changed since EMTBravo introduced the "Incident Alert" in January of 2003. One of the major factors is online scanner feeds. Whereas before, only certain people could listen to certain incidents because they had scanners. Now, anyone can basically listen to anything going on anywhere via sites like, and anybody can post using their mobile Facebook app.

I often wonder what can be done with Incident Alert to bring it back. Partnerships with other websites and social media sites, maybe a robust app? I was posting as many (major) incidents as I could a couple of months back, but I didn't feel like members were appreciating it.

If anyone is complaining about "Why wasn't that posted" or "I never see good posts anymore", why didn't you post anything that would be valuable here, or, if you know about something, why do you not post and then complain no one posted it? There are still several members who care, and who are trying to come up with informative and quality posts.

What does the next generation of EMTBravo include? I plan on getting to work on that as soon as I can.

Westfield12, PEMO3 and BFD1054 like this

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I post a few incident alerts, but I generally have a high threshold for what I think is interesting enough to post here. To me that is working fires, or incidents that involve a large amount of resources or contain some sort of unusual circumstance. These days the ones I hear about like that are few and far between.

10512 and dwcfireman like this

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This has already been discussed here. Basically a handful of the several hundred registered users actually check this site. FB and Twitter have made the incident alert obsolete on this forum. Social media with quick updates posted under initial post make this forum extinct. And again people left unhappy with the administration running this site so many people said screw it and left and many people followed who agreed. They since started the sites I mention above on Facebook and Twitter. Thank you and don't forget to tip your waitress.

SageVigiles and SRS131EMTFF like this

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I have 2,700 posts here and I have been here for over 9 years. That is 300 posts per year, a little under 1 a day, average. In the past two years I have posted here less than 100 times, or a little over once a week. To say this site has died is an understatement, of the top ten posters that are not Seth, only 3 post anymore. 1 is me, 1 is a moderator and 1 is Bnechis. We have lost more quality posters than we have gained by leaps and bounds. The reason why we do not have the posting that used to occur is simply we do not have the same caliber of people posting over and over again. Yes there are a few quality people posting out there but those who post talk past each other, not actually to each other.

Quite simply it is impossible to engage in conversation if no one is listening. It is even harder/more frustrating when any conversation here occurs past eachother and not too each other; very quickly you loose anything to talk about.

I am not sure there really needs to be another generation of EMTBravo. What would it accomplish? We have tried using EMTBravo as a training site with no success, we have tried using EMTBravo as a incident alert site with no success, we have tried using EMTBravo as an emergency service community platform with no success. After some point you have to say that the site had a good life but has been eclipsed by other more modern platforms (Think of EMTBravo as MySpace) and you need to let it die. Maybe it is time that efforts get channeled somewhere where they would be more effective like emergency services activism or public education as opposed to a forum with only 1.5 new topics daily?

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The thing is, hundreds of people still check daily, and read the topics. I feel obligated to those people, everyone who has supported EMTBravo, and everybody who has provided great content over the years, and everyone who is a fan of the site to do what's best. Facebook and the proliferation of fire service websites over the last few years have diluted other websites, including other forum-type sites. We have an incredible library of posts and knowledge to draw upon. I've got some ideas for the future of the site that I look forward to developing, which could include the possibility of long-overdue mobile software and app. It also may be very radical change from the current site concept. Stay tuned.

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Too be honest, wether an incident alert, or a reply I really don't find much interesting information here anymore. Other social media seems to me to have taken over the information sharing.

Most likely, it's time for a change.

There is also a lot of department Un- official policies out there that are putting the Kabash on posting things about their dept. Recently at a meeting I attended much discussion occurred about a post a member did that turned embarks hong for him and eventually the dept. I posted a video of our tower ladder operating at a fire. The video inadvertently had ff's with out pipe, the tower opening with water and about 15 seconds later a ff exits the building. I took a lot of heat about that video from friends, other area chiefs and the like.

I saw the potential risk at that point .... So as much as I cannot stand my rights being restricted, I see the risk to my organization or others. Law suits, Osha or just plain embareshing.

So as it write this, I won't be posting here any longer ( the little I did) nor posting pictures of fires on any social media going forward. As we use to say .... 46- 81 for Engine 6 please ( off the air,back in quarters. ).


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When I posted about air raid sirens I got really no responses or a little debate of should we bring them back but only for weather emergency. Discussion never got off the ground. Why bother? Honestly after that I am done trying here. Ivan get way better info else where. And Seth not for nothing in the past we have heard about plans for future only to have you ask for money or hear personal issues set you back. I'm sorry to hear some of the things you have gone through. Many people go through a lot. But also sounds like you are holding onto the site for you.

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For me personally, I drop by from time to time. Sometimes days in a row, sometimes not for weeks. I'm just not that active in the fire and ems community anymore. It wouldn't affect me one way or another what happens to this forum. But what others have said, social media, of which I do not participate, has largely replaced a lot of these types of forums

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I will still post here, although I am not as active as I once was. To some extend I don't have the same frame of reference I did when I joined this site.

As for Incident alerts, I like to read them and occasionally comment on them, but it does seem like too many of them either get no replies or turn into the usual battles. One reason I left another forum was over an incident alert I posted that turned into a bunch of guys from a certain department repeatedly bashing the members of one of the departments that responded to the incident I posted. The funny thing is had I done a less detailed post, they would not have had their cannon fodder. From that I learned less is more. I now list responding units by agency and usually in numerical or alphabetical order, not in the order they responded in. I try to make my IA's more about the incident and the circumstances than about who did what when and for how long.

Look at the recent thread about a big brush fire, there were replies debating on if it qualified as big by some departments standards. I have to assume that it did by the local department's standards and that is really all that matters.

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Facebook has all the Attention of Fire Wire's now Its fast and everyone is always scanning Facebook. Kempter Fire Wire (KFW) has over 2750 members and growing everyday and cover serious incident in Westchester, Putnam , Rockland, Dutchess and National incidents. 98% of all the post is accurate post that is word for word of the radio transmission and at time Photos of the incident. The side is highly monitored and the BS Post and comments are removed and not encouraged to cause a pissing war.

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I was told that if its not a confirmed fire it shouldnt be posted on here

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Just looking back at my 3 most recent IA's. Only one was a structure fire. ! was a search for a missing person that required a lot of resources and one was for a dumpster fire that turned out to be bigger than originally reported and had some special called units. I know that last year I posted an MVA that had special considerations due to being on an elevated highway and having debris over the side. Maybe we all define interesting differently but I try and keep mine to things I think other would want to read about, even if they are not working fires.

mamaro40 and x635 like this

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