
New York State Police chooses Dodge Chargers AWD as new car

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The New York State Police seem to have chosen the AWD Charger as it's replacement over what I thought was going to be the Ford Police Interceptor. Here are the variants, 2T23 and K111 are AWD models and G110 and G108 are RWD models





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I think Charger is #1 followed not too far behind Interceptor in my book, if I had to pick. Never Chevy.

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I think Charger is #1 followed not too far behind Interceptor in my book, if I had to pick. Never Chevy.

But what about this Chevy product?


Photo courtesy of

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Too old school. LOL. Now if that was the new body style yes.

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But what about this Chevy product?


Photo courtesy of

A two door for a police vehicle?

That means you would need a second vehicle to transport a prisoner. Also a lot less room in the event of a crash.

This looks like someone at Chevy gave them the vehicle to evaluate. I would love to hear the comments

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A two door for a police vehicle?

That means you would need a second vehicle to transport a prisoner. Also a lot less room in the event of a crash.

This looks like someone at Chevy gave them the vehicle to evaluate. I would love to hear the comments

This was a real car. The NYSP had these, and before this Camaro, Mustangs for pursuit on the interstates. I saw them in the past on both I-84 and the Thruway (I-87).

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A two door for a police vehicle?

That means you would need a second vehicle to transport a prisoner. Also a lot less room in the event of a crash.

This looks like someone at Chevy gave them the vehicle to evaluate. I would love to hear the comments

Not to evaluate, we had many in service, on patrol. The last Camaro's were phased out around 2008 or so.

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The top picture is of 2F42, which was assigned to the Palisades. The second picture is 1K87, a slick-top, which handled the northern end of the Taconic. When they were in service, there were several dozen assigned around the state.


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I wish the SP would bring back the Camaro or something sporty, I do miss them.

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Hope they work out better for the troopers than they have for Syracuse PD. The ones here are all squeaking, rattling, and clanging their way around the city after only a few years on the road.

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Anybody know when we will start seeing more Chargers?? I don't see many around Upstate New York, its mostly still the old Crowns. The Charger should be a good choice.

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All the new cars down here (Savannah area) are either Chargers or the Ford SUV's.

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Has the visibility from the Chargers improved? I know our PD was not impressed with theirs and switched to the Fords?

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Hi, it does look like the visibility has improved on the new style Chargers, I have heard that the Ford and Chevy are cramped, the Charger is bigger and has more room in the car.

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Hi, I have now been seeing a few Ford Taurus's around the Rochester & Syracuse area. Anybody know when there will be more Chargers around here??

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I've been seeing a lot of Ford Explorers lately....seems they're pretty popular with the cops. Anyone have first hand experience?

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At our Troop E substations in Lyons and Williamson NY, they are still running a lot of Chevrolet Tahoes, a couple of Crown Victorias, both have the new Ford Tauruses and Williamson has a new Dodge Charger. I see a lot of the Dodge Chargers on the NY State Thruway.

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I've been seeing a lot of Ford Explorers lately....seems they're pretty popular with the cops. Anyone have first hand experience?

I've had the chance to sit in a loaded out Explorer Interceptor. It's surprisingly spacious for fitting a size between a sedan or a tahoe. The officers in my area that drive them, love them. I suppose it really comes down to how the units are set up. Regardless, they have become quite popular around here and many other areas surrounding here in Texas. They're quick, and agile, while being spacious and since they don't sit as low as the charger, taurus, or capris, it's been easier to get in and out of. Thats most of the comments that I've gathered.

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Hi, are we sure the New York State Police have chosen the Charger as their new car?? I am seeing mostly new Ford Tauruses around the Rochester area and Route 104 East of Rochester, seems like the Chargers are only on the New York State Thruway. Has anybody even seen a 2015 Dodge Charger with the new front end??

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I haven't seen any new 2015 cars around this area (Troop F).

Right now it looks like they are running mostly Tahoes and CVPIs with some 2013-2014 Chargers mixed in

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Looks like NYSP also use the Caprice and the dodge durango. Anyone with firsthand experience like these vehicles? The Durango looks pretty sweet, I think it is like a beefed up utility but by dodge...
Image result for NYSP caprice
Image result for NYSP dodge durango
This one was sent to the NYSP, it doesn't have the decals yet. I think it was a test vehicle, but I don't know if NYSP adopted it. Anybody out there have an

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We have a few Durangos at work. I'm not a fan. Huge blind spots, and the shifter is a dial the size of an air conditioning or stereo volume knob. 

I'll stick with the Suburbans or Ford Police Utility.

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Tahoe' s making quite a comeback The Ford Interceptor SUV Models my favorite For Police Tahoe for fire EMS  

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Image result for nysp ghosted utility

I love the new "Ghosted" cars. 

Image result for nysp ghosted utility

Is it just me, or are the Crown Victorias a lighter blue than the tahoes, chargers, and utlities

Edited by NYSPlover
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I saw what looked like an unmarked black explorer on  i87 in Westchester the other day..It could have been a new " phantom car" since a " ghost is white".   Maybe the troopers are making a comeback to unmarked....In a way..

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3 hours ago, buff86 said:

I saw what looked like an unmarked black explorer on  i87 in Westchester the other day..It could have been a new " phantom car" since a " ghost is white".   Maybe the troopers are making a comeback to unmarked....In a way..


Unmarked SP patrols have been back for several years now.

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On a partially related note - and while I moved out of NY a long time ago, I am back semi-regularly - I saw a NYSP Taurus (Ford PI sedan) at LGA, and it appeared to be a REALLY dark blue or Black.  looking through these pics - I see several shades on relatively recent vehicles from multiple manufacturers.  Are they no longer standardizes on the old "Sunoco" blue?  are the darker cars for certain units?

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