
What has happened to this site?

38 posts in this topic

Where have all the interesting and thoughtful discussions gone? It seems that only a fraction of contributing members remain and there's very little content generated here anymore.

Not a peep about the big 7 alarm fire in Brooklyn going on for the past two days and those topics that do get started die with little or no response.

What's happened to EMTBravo? This is not the site it used to be.

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A lot of people have been banned from here, or left on their own, for whatever reasons. That's part of it.

Message boards in general are "old hat" nowadays, with many people choosing Facebook or other forms of social media to share their thoughts, opinions and photos. I am a member of numerous boards, covering various topics, and very few of them are as active as they used to be.

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My guess is it's all the negativity that goes on here, as a matter of fact my gut tells me to shut up and not even post this. Seems that no matter what is said here someone puts a spin on it that its wrong or a waste of time or money or should be done differently, it's just not worth all the negativity to start a conversation here and for that I feel bad, I always enjoyed this site and still check it several times a day just to find out there is nothing new. That's just my two cents, but I'm sure someone will say I'm wrong.

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I stopped checking in as regularly because I get tired of ten new dead end thread topics starting every day. Usually just to announce a new TV show or something else that invites no follow up discussion. I still chime in when it's a thoughtful discussion or when there's useful information I'd like to try and share, but in general there's too much clutter. It's good to post job filings for people to see but do they have to all have their own thread? Kind of like all the new apparatus postings got consolidated into one thread, can't that be done? I still enjoy some of the good discussion here, but it's increasingly becoming more and more like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

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I too check frequently but don't often reply because so many threads don't really need replies.

I have not found there to be any more negativity than there has been in the past, but it is an ever present part of this board. Look at the thread on run numbers, that should have been a nice easy thread but there had to be debates about which runs were "real" runs or how many people were on the runs or other factors that really belonged elsewhere.

I am a member of several different forums and most of them are slowing down due to the dreaded facebook.

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When I posted stuff guys on my job didn't like, they c/o to the boss, who very politly showed my the social media policy. I didn't know we had one. If I am careful, I can still post. I just don't want to hurt risk hurting the sensitive feelings of these brave men, and force them to approach the boss instead of me. Again.

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I belong to two of these kind of sites for the fire service. The other one is dead. Kaput.

They both got going around the same time, had their ups and downs and had their usual fights between members.

So, seeing as they both are trending down, I would guess that it is a waning of the popularity of forum based sites. Now that I think of it, a third site that I visit has a similar downturn. The implications of our jobs and postings on social media are also very valid. What we do off duty and on the web reflects on our departments, regardless if we put disclaimers up or not. That is the way of the world now.

I will say that the holiness on this site more so than the negativity is what turned me off the most. It frequently felt preachy. Anyway, that's my two cents and what comes to mind. I think the points raised above are also valid, so it's likely a whole bunch of different reasons for different folks.

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I am not now nor will I ever be a facebook user.

I actually like forum based sites because it allows me to have focused discussions about related topics. Without having to filter out stuff that is not relevant to the discussions at hand.

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I also do not subscribe to Facebook. I check in on this site regularly as it allows me to stay 'connected' to the Westchester fire/ems community that was such a large part of my life for many years.

I think that many of the forum discussions are interesting but generally only act as a sounding board with no real benefit coming from them. I think everyone is well aware of the changes that have

been taking place over the years and the shortcomings that affect both paid and volunteer departments.

The thing is that no matter how much we recognize the shortcomings, nothing seems to change and forum conversations seem to repeat themselves months or years later, going over the same

information and arguments all over again.

I enjoy the incident reports, its my primary reason to visit the site and I wish that members of the incident departments would post after action comments about the incident. Of course some people are

reticent about posting as so many others are eager to second guess every action taken. There is a difference between constructive observation and comment and critical dissection of each action taken.

I also like the photos and specs when a department gets new apparatus and there are many opportunities to find other useful information.

Overall I think the site is a good one and will benefit from more input from its members.

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I used to check this site more when the incident threads were up to date. There was a time when it seemed like at three in the afternoon or three in the morning emtbravo had good, detailed posts about every fire or pin job (anything significant where mutual aid was called). I work in an office where I can't monitor the pager all day so it was really great to know what was going on in the county. No one ever posts these anymore so I don't bother checking this as my resource. Now I check lohud or my local paper instead.

For me, the threads always turned into one of the following...

1. Career vs. Volunteer arguments

2. Everyone patting each other on the back for no reason


Plus, I kept getting put on moderator watch where my posts had to be approved before they went into the threads for having unpopular opinions. For a past volunteer who is now getting back into it again I have very anti-emergency services views because I think that the volunteer fire system here in Westchester is seriously broken and am in favor of consolidation. That said, just because my opinions are negative and unpopular does not mean that they are wrong. When I sent a note to Seth asking why I was being censored he did not even bother to respond. So i seldom waste my time anymore.

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I very rarely come onto sites like this any longer due to being able to get info on fires and other related subject matter from different sources. I-phone "groupme" and twitter to name a few.

Only a mere few years ago when a major fire would break out I would check forums like this for info. Now the "groupme" groups supply all the info in real time with photos most of the time.

Technology changes. It's amazing how much change has occurred in the years since this site started. Many 18 and 19 year olds would now consider this sort of site slow moving and somewhat lame. It's not just this site all forums are like this. Once or twice a month I usually do "the circuit" of a dozen sites I belong to and for the most part there is nothing really new. Threads that might have had pages and pages of replies now have 3 or 4.

Time and technology marches on and does not wait for those that are out of step.

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Who wants to sit here and have a pissing match with people about the same stuff over and over again. Im currently pursing my masters in a specialty aspect of medicine and the forum I am on is amazing...why ? Because we push each other to try different things and we can ask for and get amazing advice from the 11,000 or so members instead of it getting derailed by someone with a piss poor attitude. Everyone that is in this particular specialty loves their job and we are always trying to find new and better ways to do it. Do we disagree on certain things, well yea. Not everyone is going to like what you say, but there is an exceptional level of professionalism on that forum that isn't anywhere to be seen here.

Unfortunately, here it's always the same stuff and the same people with the same crappy attitudes, who wants to deal with that ? Not me. It's sad to see this site become a shadow of its former self.

calhobs, INIT915, 210 and 2 others like this

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I myself stopped checking this site frequently a while ago. When I saw this topic I couldn't agree more. What drove this site in the early years was that buffs (and I say that in a positive way. all of us in emergency service are buffs. Just some little more then others.) was that all fires and big incident were listed. Those of us not near a scanner or too far north or too far south could read updates and get some photos. Now when you have FB and Twitter with up to date fire wires or emergency wire (nyc fire wire, kempter and Westchester fire wire constantly updating from emergency personnel in the field. Especially since smart phones make it easy to check and post on social media, this site died. Majority of people that were here wanted updates on incidents so social media changed that. Then the volly vs career in every topic killed things. Then asking for money and Seth having problems personally and publicly added to it. Many people seem to have a problem with the founder. Many people left and abandoned the site. The list of the usernames is misleading now. A few years ago I messaged and asked to delete my old username and stated why. I got no reply from Seth or any admin after several messages to them. So that sealed it for me and I noticed the decline was in full swing anyway. I created my current name. When I check and see something worth reading maybe I'll post. But more and more to me the site is dead.

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That said, just because my opinions are negative and unpopular does not mean that they are wrong.

This guy posted something on this forum that was so offensive to me that I actually reported it. I found it to be over the line, and can't believe he's characterizing it like it was such an innocent thing. This is my first post on this forum but I had to say something. Here it is. If this wasn't censored I can only imagine what this guy was saying that was http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php/topic/50876-are-citizens-with-cell-phone-videos-interfering-with-law-enforcement-doing-their-jobs/?p=291993

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This guy posted something on this forum that was so offensive to me that I actually reported it. I found it to be over the line, and can't believe he's characterizing it like it was such an innocent thing . http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php/topic/50876-are-citizens-with-cell-phone-videos-interfering-with-law-enforcement-doing-their-jobs/?p=291993

This guy stands by what he said. My post had no profanity, racism, crudeness, or anything that should be censored. Once again, I know that my posts my be extremely unpopular (esp. for an emergency services website). That said, it is important to express opinions in open, and uncensored forums (both positive and negative) so that law enforcement is aware how everyone views them and not just their supporters (I'm sure there are other people out there with varying, milder degrees of my extreme opinion). When we start to censor these ideas we threaten the free thinking ideas on which our country was founded and enter the realm of Cuba or Soviet Union. If I were dropping f-bombs, n-bombs, selling illegal stun guns, and promoting incest it would be one thing...but I think we are all adults here and can handle a negative post with strong wording about how I feel police are undereducated for the role. So keep reporting those posts Stalin...and make sure you vote for Hillary in 2016 while you are at it!

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Can anyone explain the "sorry we can't find that" message that appears when clocking on "more photos" as well as "more protection from the past". This has been going on for a long time.


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I think the biggest pit fall of this forum has been that many people on here promote "a pat on the back" for anything and everything. A "like button" which is pressed for posting an incident or any other thread. People are constantly looking for kudos every time they make a post and that clearly isn't going to happen. It is innate for human beings to disagree for the most part and most people have a difficult time coping with the fact that not everyone is going to agree with their opinions and may not get positive reinforcement. A wise man said a long time ago that "it has become appalling obvious that technology has exceeded humanity" and since that time it appears to have become harder and harder to engage another human in a conversation or any type of debate. For the most part all of us on here are buffs and trying to hone our skills and knowledge. So why be upset when someone tells you got screwed up or tells you their opinion of what they would've done??? Why not debate the circumstances and listen to their opinion. Maybe they've been in the same situation and seen the same outcome and maybe, just maybe you could pick up something you didn't even think about. Most arguments are misunderstandings anyway. A perfect example is the argument ongoing as I type this response. Rescue24 has made a post and although I may agree and disagree to certain parts, that clearly does not mean he isn't entitled to his opinion. I've noticed that most of the people who are actually willing to debate are kicked off the site because somebody cried about one of their responses. Now you're left with nobody to debate with and a pat on the back for everyone else's bullshit. Everyone who wanted to debate and learn something or just argue their opinions have left. Now it's just robots hitting a like button.

I don't have facebook or twitter, or anything of that nature because I feel it would be the bane of my existence but from looking at a few fire wires and such, I really don't see people debating topics on there either so I really see no reason for this site to be dead. Let's all communicate with each other and we'll actually accomplish something we didn't even think was possible.

Let's all get together and design a Turing machine which will solve this Enigma!!! LOL

Edited by BBBMF
RES24CUE, BFD389RET and AFS1970 like this

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I think the biggest pit fall of this forum has been that many people on here promote "a pat on the back" for anything and everything. A "like button" which is pressed for posting an incident or any other thread. People are constantly looking for kudos every time they make a post and that clearly isn't going to happen. It is innate for human beings to disagree for the most part and most people have a difficult time coping with the fact that not everyone is going to agree with their opinions and may not get positive reinforcement. A wise man said a long time ago that "it has become appalling obvious that technology has exceeded humanity" and since that time it appears to have become harder and harder to engage another human in a conversation or any type of debate. For the most part all of us on here are buffs and trying to hone our skills and knowledge. So why be upset when someone tells you got screwed up or tells you their opinion of what they would've done??? Why not debate the circumstances and listen to their opinion. Maybe they've been in the same situation and seen the same outcome and maybe, just maybe you could pick up something you didn't even think about. Most arguments are misunderstandings anyway. A perfect example is the argument ongoing as I type this response. Rescue24 has made a post and although I may agree and disagree to certain parts, that clearly does not mean he isn't entitled to his opinion. I've noticed that most of the people who are actually willing to debate are kicked off the site because somebody cried about one of their responses. Now you're left with nobody to debate with and a pat on the back for everyone else's bullshit. Everyone who wanted to debate and learn something or just argue their opinions have left. Now it's just robots hitting a like button.

I don't have facebook or twitter, or anything of that nature because I feel it would be the bane of my existence but from looking at a few fire wires and such, I really don't see people debating topics on there either so I really see no reason for this site to be dead. Let's all communicate with each other and we'll actually accomplish something we didn't even think was possible.

Let's all get together and design a Turing machine which will solve this Enigma!!! LOL

Liked your post even though you don't like that...sorry :(

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What drove this site in the early years was that buffs (and I say that in a positive way. all of us in emergency service are buffs. Just some little more then others.) was that all fires and big incident were listed. Those of us not near a scanner or too far north or too far south could read updates and get some photos. Now when you have FB and Twitter with up to date fire wires or emergency wire (nyc fire wire, kempter and Westchester fire wire constantly updating from emergency personnel in the field. Especially since smart phones make it easy to check and post on social media, this site died. Majority of people that were here wanted updates on incidents so social media changed that. Then the volly vs career in every topic killed things. Then asking for money and Seth having problems personally and publicly added to it. Many people seem to have a problem with the founder. Many people left and abandoned the site. The list of the usernames is misleading now.

Couldn't agree more.

We out grew ourselves and then the forum changed. Once the membership changed from mostly buffs to mostly professionals and the "flame wars" started, those looking for fun moved to other places.

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There was another similar themed forum that I was a member of. I left that because the flame wars were even worse than they have ever been here. I posted an incident alert, and that thread turned into an unrelenting bashing of the fire district that the fire was in. Now I will not defend that department, as they had an abysmal response, however there were multiple automatic mutual aid companies that got there quickly and handled the call. A group of "professionals" from one department quite a bit away from my city decided that it was their job to repeatedly bash this one department, which frankly got to be a bit over the top. When I complained to the administration of that board, I got a PM saying they agreed but would not lock the thread.

Oddly enough, I saw almost the exact opposite here once. A thread was posted about an incident where a member was injured. A few people started asking tactical questions, no different than have been asked in numerous other threads on here. Questions that were not offensive but seemed to be directed at learning about the incident and how not to suffer similar injuries and a flame war started because nobody should ever dream of questioning the actions of those on scene at this incident.

Partly due to this thread, I posted an IA last night. The fire itself was not all that remarkable, but it had some interesting factors. I was surprised to see that almost 24 hours later, with a winter storm in the middle, it was still the most recent IA. I normally would not have posted about an incident that small, but now I am kind of glad I did.

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A year or two ago a comment was made from Bravo management. Something like "I've cleaned house" this was in reference to the current moderators at that time. These mods were on top of their games both professionally and as Bravo moderators. Big mistake. Lost many a true member that day.

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A year or two ago a comment was made from Bravo management. Something like "I've cleaned house" this was in reference to the current moderators at that time. These mods were on top of their games both professionally and as Bravo moderators. Big mistake. Lost many a true member that day.

But yet Bravo Management would have us believe that these people resigned, if they did how did they clean house.

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Very true when the clean house happened many people left after hearing some of the "rumors" as to why. Also agree you post a harmless incident and then the bashing started. So no one wanted to post even a incident anymore. Why would you want to when it came to bashing. And yes one of my last post was in reference to tech rescue and a volly vs career dept response. I don't think I was bashing. More like I would go with 1 over the other because it makes sense.

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Why is asking questions perceived as bashing? You can learn from asking questions so why isn't that encouraged especially when run numbers are so low and actual experience may be lacking.

I don't think many of the discussions were "bashing" or "career vs. volunteer". If someone has a different opinion it doesn't mean they're bashing yours. It means they have a different opinion.

There used to be some great insightful discussions here but now they're few and far between!

BBBMF, Dinosaur, AFS1970 and 1 other like this

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they kick me off all the time and never give me a answer? people dont want to know the truthe and if your not part of a crew paid or volunteer they dont want to hear you.its a clown show at best.

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EMTBravo was a great site until it became a part of modern society. Nowadays, everyone needs to feel appreciated, to feel more important than they are and to constantly get a pat on the back for everything. I miss when a good job or deed was recognized and can't stomach the constant need everyone has now to one-up each other. And this is for life in general, not just this site.

As Tony Soprano's mother used to say, "Poor you!" To quote the kids nowadays, GFY!

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Why is asking questions perceived as bashing? You can learn from asking questions so why isn't that encouraged especially when run numbers are so low and actual experience may be lacking.

It is not always bashing. I agree that asking questions is a good way to learn things.

The specific bashing I was talking about was not even bothering to masquerade as a question. On that other forums there was open criticism in the incident thread about how many rigs got on the road and how soon they got there. Mostly valid points, but not really for an IA type of thread.

There are the remarks that don't help like I see you had six Engines on scene, I guess that means you had six members there, good job!

On a positive note, we have the beginnings of an educational thread going about the recent train crash, although that could go south at any moment.

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I think we have to consider the fact that this site may have run its course as many end up doing. In addition, as a few have mentioned, many of the topics posted do not require much of a discussion if any.

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