
Health and Fitness in the Firehouse

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Fork and Hose Co. strives to provide inspiration for firefighters in the kitchen. We try to feature as many healthy meals as possible because as we all know, the biggest killer in the fire service is cardiac related incidents. We recently filmed a couple episodes of Firehouse Kitchen with my good friends at 555 Fitness, in which we featured health-conscious recipes as well as workouts that require only equipment commonly found in firehouses such as apartment-packs, foam pails, hose and a stokes basket. I am curious to know if any departments in the area implement any fitness and health programs. If so could you explain the details and if not has anyone ever tried to and failed? The statistics do not lie and the fire service is ridden with mindset "it's not going to happen to me", which is something to be concerned about because WE are the only ones who can change that. You must think not only about yourselves but your brothers and sisters backing you up and your family.

Stay safe!


Fork and Hose Co.


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Edited by ForkandHoseCo
KFIYL2000, CLM92982 and x635 like this

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More importantly how many Depts will cover a guy if they get injured during a fitness program within or outside the Station, while they're on duty?

lad12derff and Bnechis like this

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It is something that needs to be addressed within individual departments of course. But with that being said, someone who is out of shape and can not perform their duties as a firefighter is a much bigger liability I would think. Many tasks on the fireground require certain degrees of physical strength and cardiovascular endurance. Im not saying everyone needs to be a bodybuilder or marathon runner, but there are many FUNCTIONAL workout "styles" that translate very well to firefighting. There are a variety of avenues that can be taken to help lower that risk of injury, one being the IAFF's PFT (Peer Fitness Training) program. If that is not an option, maybe consulting a personal trainer to set up health/fitness evaluations and programs for your department? I feel as if this topic gets pushed aside whether it be for financial reasons, participation issues, laziness or just the failure to recognize there is a problem. I started this post to try and find out what everyone is doing and maybe get some constructive criticism. It's very hard to change things on our own and by helping each other, just maybe we can start to see some change.

x635 and FirNaTine like this

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What I never understood though is why do individuals who perform the Job of a FF have to be begged, persuaded,encouraged, etc.etc. to stay in some kind of good shape. We all know how important it is and how physically challenging it is so can we please just show a little initiative and start our own work out regiment on our off time. After all we as PFF have a pretty good work schedule and there should be no excuse for members not to work out on their own. Let's stop blaming Management for guys being out of shape and not providing a "Workout Program" and take some personal responsibility. I see plenty of Gyms in Stations with only a handful of guys utilizing them. It's like trying to persuade guys to learn their Job and become proficient at it when they have absolutely no interest at all. Here's a novice idea, put down your ipad and iphone, get up off the couch or push yourself away from the bowl of ice cream on the kitchen table and do some cardiovascular. Don't wait for the Powers to Be to tell you to do it! Many of us all have families at home we should be concerned about! JMO.

CLM92982, boca1day and Bnechis like this

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You hit the nail on the head, i really comes down to personal accountability. I have seen departments who have worked together with local gyms in order to provide incentives for guys to do just that, workout on off time. I think a lot of what you hear regarding that is "I have no time because of my B job, I have not time because of family priorities, etc. " so if it is possible to take 30 minutes while on shift to get a little workout in I dont see an issue. There are many "crossfit" workouts that require as little as 12 minutes. 555 Fitness provides daily workouts for free that are geared towards functional fitness. With their Instagram WODs (Workout Of the Day), everyday is a new routine that requires little to no equipment and usually are under 18 minutes in duration. I have personally seen the disinterest in guys wanting to stay in shape and I have heard all the excuses. Just like on the fireground, teamwork is important and in the gym it can really bring guys together. There are quite a few departments I have become friendly with who exhibit that, if you get a chance check out these guys on Facebook to see what they are about - Villas Fit Firehouse and East Carolina Firefighter Fit Thanks FirNaTine for joining in the conversation, communication is key when it comes to solving an epidemic like this

FirNaTine and x635 like this

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My department built a brand new fitness room, with a complete set of top of the line equipment. It is probably the least used room and equipment in the firehouse. It's a good question. How do you get guys motivated and how do you tell them they are out of shape when that becomes an issue?

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My department built a brand new fitness room, with a complete set of top of the line equipment. It is probably the least used room and equipment in the firehouse. It's a good question. How do you get guys motivated and how do you tell them they are out of shape when that becomes an issue?

Put a Bar in there and it'll be standing room only! LOL

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The root word in Firefighting is not Fire- It's Fight. Train to fight, fight to win. Cancer and heart disease kill firefighters. We owe it to ourselves, each other and our families to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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I think what Flashpoint said contains the keyword, MOTIVATION. There is a fine line it seems between giving guys motivation and "forcing" them to do something. I know from personal experience when something becomes mandated there is a lot of resistance to it just because someone says you have to do it. If a program is introduced in the right way, showing the MANY positives to staying fit, I think there is a better chance for success. And like it has been brought up before, we owe it not just to ourselves but our families as well. Does anyone try and cook healthier meals in the firehouse? Through social media I have seen the change in the way many firefighters are cooking, and it is most often for the better.

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