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It's time to go

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Well guys after 43 years as a Port Chester Firefighter [ 18 years very active volunteer working at DPW then getting the dream job getting paid to do what I love to do this is my last day. It didn't end the way I wanted it too but away I go . I was fortunate to catch the war years when we went out every day for a job worked side by side with many dept.'s and made a lot of life long friends on mutual aid. I saw a lot of death and sorrow [ Gulliver's 24 DOA Stouffer's 26 DOA 9/11 world trade center ] and saved a few along the way but my greatest call was closing a large window [ life savers building ] for a 84 year old lady who was freezing because her window was open and she needed help. The next day she baked a apple pie for me and my partner. So I say good bye to it all and hope that I left a small mark somewhere. To my 2 sons that are following or trying to follow in my foot step's keep up the good work in this most rewarding profession . Good luck to the guy's that are left on my job and hope that thing's get better for you and the people we were sworn to protect.

Angelo Sposta [ Retired Local #1971 ]

Edited by PCFD ENG58

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best in your retirement--its not so bad--in a few weeks you will wonder how you ever went to work at all!!! now you can do things you always wanted to do but above all stay healthy make the system pay you for a long time :)

be safe my friend

retired 13 years in May

BFD1054 and x635 like this

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Retiring when you want to is a good thing. Stay healthy, wealthy and wise.

x635 and BFD1054 like this

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Best of Luck in your retirement. You have earned it.

Now your job is to get every pension dime earned, so stay well.

x635 and BFD1054 like this

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Best of luck to you on your retirement you earned it now it's you time to relax. You have 2 sons that are great fireman

BFD1054 and x635 like this

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Ang BEST TO YOU.Yes you LEFT a BIG MARK.Thanks for being a great P.C.F.D. Fireman

x635 and BFD1054 like this

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Congratulations on your retirement. Best of luck in future endeavors.

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Congratulations and best of luck as you move on to the next chapter in your life. No matter where you end up, I hope you'll be able to keep the fire service in your life and share all the knowledge, experience and wisdom gained in those 43 years with the next generation, for that is a priceless gift for them that shouldn't be wasted. Stay well and stay safe.

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Best Wishes on your retirement. I am sure that the residents and businesses within the Village of Port Chester appreciated your service and dedication. God Bless and take care !

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Best wishes! I always enjoy hearing the incidents and perspective that you have experienced in your career, and hope you will continue to share them with us in your retirement.

Newburgher and PCFD ENG58 like this

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Have a great retirement

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Happy retirement. One of the good memories I have is the Christmas eve ride along with you a few years ago. I appreciated the opportunity.

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Remember, every day is Saturday for the rest of your life. Congratulations.

AND...every night is Friday. Best Of Luck!!! Keep the Macks running!

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Angelo, best wishes, we had some good times together. I will always remmeber the war years in Port Chester with you also, take care of yourself. Bill Flynn..

Remember585 and x635 like this

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