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Two NYPD Cops shot in Brooklyn

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Two NYPD shot in Brooklyn, the initial reports do not sound good.

Edited by 10512

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It is looking like a targeted shooting. The perp apparently posted his intentions on social media prior to the shooting. It is looking like he took the current "anti-police" rhetoric and acted on it.

Edited by 10512
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May they rest in peace.

May their families, friends and brothers/sisters in the NYPD find comfort in one another while they grieve.

And may the gunman and anyone else who supports this action rot in hell.

boca1day, cg153 and BFD1054 like this

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May they rest in peace. I hope their funerals draw the largest contingent of police officers from around the country that there has ever been. A million man march of cops, a show of solidarity so enormous that it will shake the very cores of the feckless politicians who embrace the likes of Sharpton and his ilk. There is no question that the deaths of these officers has a direct link not only to the rabble rousers like Sharpton but to the comments of politicians like DeBlasio, Holder and Obama who profit from the phony race narrative they put forth. And, a special FU to NBC for providing a known racial arsonist a platform and means of legitimacy not deserved.

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May they rest in peace. I hope their funerals draw the largest contingent of police officers from around the country that there has ever been. A million man march of cops, a show of solidarity so enormous that it will shake the very cores of the feckless politicians who embrace the likes of Sharpton and his ilk. There is no question that the deaths of these officers has a direct link not only to the rabble rousers like Sharpton but to the comments of politicians like DeBlasio, Holder and Obama who profit from the phony race narrative they put forth. And, a special FU to NBC for providing a known racial arsonist a platform and means of legitimacy not deserved.

I hope that their funerals draw the largest gathering of law abiding citizens ever. This was not only a domestic act of terrorism and assassination of those sworn to protect us, this was an attack on each and every American who believes in law and order. We cannot accept this and we must rise up from the ashes and put the political correctness to bed. This act was not delivered from the black community but was delivered by those who fan the flames of hate. The leaders ( not ) of this country who have given Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the rest of the racist $hit stirrers out there a platform to speak will forever be remembered at this turning point for what they have created. God bless PO Liu, PO Ramos, the NYPD and all of America at this dark hour in our time!!!!!

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Why are people so surprised this happened when you hear months of anti=police rhetoric from our elected officals, talking heads on TV and members of the Civil Rights Industry ( no longer a movement but a business),now some deranged person took all this in and took action. A similar event occurred in Harlem at Freddy's when a nut job listened to the banter ( from some of the same characters we had involved now) about white interlopers running stores in Harlem and took action and about seven people died in the hostage situation and resulting fire. When the language gets nasty and continuous on the 24 hour news cycle someone out there may go further as we just saw.

Bnechis and RANDY45 like this

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Why are people so surprised this happened when you hear months of anti=police rhetoric from our elected officals, talking heads on TV and members of the Civil Rights Industry ( no longer a movement but a business),now some deranged person took all this in and took action. A similar event occurred in Harlem at Freddy's when a nut job listened to the banter ( from some of the same characters we had involved now) about white interlopers running stores in Harlem and took action and about seven people died in the hostage situation and resulting fire. When the language gets nasty and continuous on the 24 hour news cycle someone out there may go further as we just saw.

MLK is rolling over in his grave!! Way to go jack offs

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Search for the Freddy's Fashion Mart Incident December 8th 1995, you will see how the same Reverend was involved as he is today, Some may argue that it was economical and nor racial. but whatever the rhetoric was strong enough to set this guy off.

If you ever have a chance to talk to some of the FDNY Harlem guys who were present, you will hear of a very trying day with a large loss of life and property as they could not take effective action due to the barricaded gun man.

A portion of one of Vinny Dunn"s books talks about this tragedy.

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We must have high praise for the two Con Ed workers who witnessed the shooting and pursued the perp , until he threatened them with his gun ,,they then showed responding police where..he went and what he was wearing., Police confronted him on the subway platform where the gunman shot himself. Had the Con Ed guys not taken this action the shooter could have gotten on a subway and been miles away.


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