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FDNY Orders 12 Additional Ferrara Ladders

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Press Release

Holden, LA –FDNY has awarded Ferrara Fire Apparatus, America’s premier custom heavy duty fire apparatus manufacturer, a contract to build an additional twelve 100’ aerial ladders. The FDNY 100’ aerial ladders are built on the Ferrara Ultra custom chassis with a 3CR12 stainless steel split cab and feature a heavy duty stainless steel body, a quick 4-section 100’ rear mount ladder, and an 8kW hydraulic generator.

Company President/CEO Chris Ferrara stated, “It has and always will be an honor to be chosen by FDNY to supply such a critical product to protect the citizens of the City of New York”. Upon completion of the project, FDNY will have a total of seventy one Ferrara 100’ aerial ladders operating in the City of New York.

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Americas premier custom heavy duty fire apparatus manufacturer. HA that's a joke right ?

You had to much Kool Aid.

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Nah I'm not a kool aid drinker. Just have first hand expierence with their rigs and it was far from premier heavy duty custom apparatus manufacturer that they claim to do

boca1day, PCFD ENG58 and M' Ave like this

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You had to much Kool Aid.

If he drank too (<----correct spelling) much Kool Aide, he must have done it during the thousands of hours he probobly has on duty, working with those complete pieces of junk.

I'm sure the view from Canada gives you great insight into the quality of the vehicles.....but I'm sure his is better. I know mine is.

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but low bid is best.... the state tells us this...

Nowhere does the state say this.

The state says "Lowest Responsible Bid". That means the local AHJ has the authority to determine the specification, exemptions, and other requirements. And you get to determine if you will accept anything less or "equal" and you get to determine what is "equal".

If it was a "low bid" only, no dept in NYS would own an Aeroscope as they run about $200,000 more than any other bucket

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This guy don't quit

Why should I? If you don't like my Canadian opinion don't read it.

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I love how you tell me that I've had too much koolaid and basically that I'm wrong with what I post about these rigs when I have first hand expierence with operating these rigs. And spend an awful amount of time in these rigs.

So please enlighten me on how I'm wrong with what I say about these rigs.

Newburgher, boca1day and M' Ave like this

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Why should I? If you don't like my Canadian opinion don't read it.

Your opinion isn't the problem. Your lack of respect for the INFORMED opinion of those with extensive hands on experience, is.

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Your opinion isn't the problem. Your lack of respect for the INFORMED opinion of those with extensive hands on experience, is.

WHO SAYS I DON'T HAVE EXPERIENCE ON THEM???? I have 39+ years of service in the Fire Department.

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WHO SAYS I DON'T HAVE EXPERIENCE ON THEM???? I have 39+ years of service in the Fire Department.

....but you don't have 1 single day working on an FD100....built on the Ultra, Split Tilt the FDNY. So.....there's that....

Newburgher, Danger, goon16 and 3 others like this

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Ok I'm going to jump in here to try and end this crap just like I did the last time that M'Ave was getting jumped all over for apparent KoolAid consumption.....

First.... He and the other FDNY'ers on here have been critical of the Seagrave products that have been produced over the past decade due to poor build quality compared to prior generations from Seagrave as well as the poor maintenance and warranty work coupled extended repair times on the recent orders. I have read little to no Seagrave KoolAid talk from the FDNY Jakes on this board for some time. Second, some of the FDNY members posting here were open to the Ferrara purchases prior to delivery hoping for an improvement to the build quality. Alas, there was no improvement if not a regression in the quality of the rigs that were delivered from Ferrara and their opinion moved from hopeful to disappointed. No KoolAid, just experience (which I'll get to later). Finally, with the most recent order of KME rigs that have been extremely successful on the west coast the attitude was hopeful once again.... And surprise!!!! As of a few weeks ago, the KME order seemed to be getting good reviews. No KoolAid, just rigs that aren't disappointing yet.

The crux of the situation is that there are a handful of guys on this board to work for FDNY and have the experience of riding thousands (sometime over ten thousand) calls a year with a particular rig, not to mention driving it to BI, training, and other runs that aren't considered calls. They work in a relatively small geographic area that has nine times the population of the entire Provence of Nova Scotia. Hell Manhattan alone has 1.5 times the population of the Provence of Nova Scotia.... Let alone the daytime population of commuters that comes to the city. So to call these guys out and tell them that they are KoolAid drinkers is just plain silly. They don't give a damn what the brand of truck is that they're riding on as long at it doesn't break, gets to the fire, keeps them warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

Ferrara makes a very good fire truck. Its just not up to the job, in its current form, in NYC. Fact, not KoolAid.

Edited by mfc2257

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So, which fire apparatus manufacturer doesn't claim to be the best? Pretty sure most, if not all, of them have made similar claims at one point or another. I don't think I've seen an example of any particular one that was universally liked. The phrase "one man's trash is another man's treasure" seems to be a good way to describe it. Ferrara, Seagrave, Pierce, KME.....they all have those who love them, and those who wouldn't have one if it was offered for free. And, they all think they're the tops at their game.

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Okay.....back on track here.....

How are the Rescues and Haz Mat holding up?

To this, I can only speak from observation. Rescue 3 had a spare for quite a while, but has had the Ferrara back now for sometime. I do recall them having some difficulties at first, but perhaps they've ironed them out. As for Haz-Mat....I truly can't say. It's been a while since I've run in with them, but they did have their primary rig last time did. That is a whole different animal though, it's highly customized and a true one-off. (The most expensive rig in the whole fleet)

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M'Ave.... Thanks for the response. Good to hear the KME's are working out. I believe alot of readers don't understand how specialized and custom an FDNY rig is. It's not an off the shelf order that so many depts can have and work well for them. Anyway... May the Seagraves, Ferrara and KME keep FDNY safe and get the job done.

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Rescue 1 had a lot of issues with their rig. Of what I'm hearing the KMEs are holding up pretty well. Our spec is written down to what nut and bolt is used literally it's that precise and detailed. We expect our rigs to perform to a certain level and if it can't we can't have any confidence in it to do it's job and get us there. And right now a majority of the companies that have Ferraras don't have that much confidence in their rigs

Edited by goon16
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