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Rye - Structure Fire 6/13/05

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Date: 6/13/05

Time: 2130 hrs

Location: 37 Beverly Drive, cross of Parkway Drive

Frequency: 46.260, 155.625 (PD)

Units Operating: 2421, 2422, 2423, E191, E192, L25, RyePD

Description Of Incident: Fire in garage wall/electrical panel area

Writer: 242steve, 25truck26

Just before 2130 hours, the RyePD dispatcher called patrol cars to the above address. Caller in the house reported smoke in the residence. PD dispatcher had advised the caller to vacate the structure.

At 2131 hours, 60-Control toned out City of Rye to reported Structure Fire.

E192 arrived first due, followed by L25. E191 stood by the hydrant about 4 houses down the street (towards Crescent Ave)

Arriving units found the garage door open, with heavy smoke showing. Some smoke visible through second floor windows.

As a 1-3/4" crosslay was being pulled off E192, the area at the top of the main electrical panel burst into flame. Visible fire was knocked down with dry powder extinguisher.

The garage was vented using a PPV fan, which quickly dispersed a majority of the smoke. Crews checked the second floor and attic for extension, and came up negative.

The chiefs, truck company and E192 stood by for ConEd to arrive to cut power.

At 2218 hours, Ladder 25 advised 60-Control that, as per Car 2421, Engine 191 would be going 10-8 at that time.

ConEd cut the power to the house, and all Rye units were back in service by 2230 hours.

June the 13th was a very busy day for the Rye FD, starting at about 0200 hours there were about 8 calls evenly spaced throughout the day. (May not be a lot of calls for some depts, but is for Rye.)

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