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The New NYPD ESU Truck 5

9 posts in this topic

Ugly as sin, but hopefully it works for what they need it to do. I've never had much confidence in E-One.

Edited by SageVigiles
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Anybody know why the four door crew cab versus their normal two door two seat cabs

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Anybody know why the four door crew cab versus their normal two door two seat cabs

It was a holdover from Ray kelly time,he wants to be able to carry more men if need be, due to the Boston Marathon Bombing

BFD1054 and SageVigiles like this

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Ugly as sin, but hopefully it works for what they need it to do. I've never had much confidence in E-One.

Ugly or not, who cares. It's not for parades, its for work duty.

I agree with the 2 door -vs- 4 door

Agree, as in having 4 instead of 2? It is usually manned by 2 ESU officers, however, they need the flexibility should a large scale incident occur. Space means more rapid transports.

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It was a holdover from Ray kelly time,he wants to be able to carry more men if need be, due to the Boston Marathon Bombing

If they need to transport a large number of L.E.O's, passenger vans and buses are far more efficient. Rigs such as the one in the photo are designed for carrying a full compliment of heavy / technical rescue equipment or haz mat equipment along with a full crew of rescue or haz mat personnel. Well suited for fire - rescue and haz mat functions, not really for law enforcement activities.

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Bad Box are you a cop? I don't think you are aware of what ESU cops do. They are not patrol cops. They are highly trained cops who can respond to EVERYTHING! As in every major scale emergency. From EDP who is out of control to a jumper hangin from the tallest structure. Bomb scares, hazmat jobs active shooter, terrorist attacks and hostages. The list goes on. They are trained for it all and have the tools to get everyone one of those jobs done. Yes 2 cops ride in that large rig but that rig is met by the smaller ESU trucks and suddenly 6-8 cops are on scene in minutes with a large tool box. If a large scale incident happens this truck will allow extra guys to jump in and gear up. Your post insults law enforcement especially ESU cops who go through one hell of a test to get in that unit and have to be sharp in many aspects of aw enforcement. When a cop is in trouble who do we call? ESU. Who comes after them? No one. There is no one after ESU.

SOUSGT, xchief2x, 10512 and 2 others like this

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I think ESU cops know what ESU cops need and there for we'll defer to them to decide what vehicle fits them best.

After that....we went off the rails. I think this has run it's course.

MrRoboto, CFI609D, Dinosaur and 4 others like this

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