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Pelham Fire Department Revitalized After 9/11 Attacks

Did your department experiance an increase in new membership after 9/11?   0 members have voted

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It's great for Pelham, but it is too bad it took a tradgedy like that for that to happen. I only hope this "patriotism" and sense of community service doesn't wear off, which I'm seeing it is already with some folk. It seems like when we went to war with Iraq, most of the nation had forgotten 9/11 already. Many people forget or could care less about our men and women fighting for our ideals used to be that everyone in the community knew who from the community was serving, and those pesons were heroes in that community.American flags were flown regularly and Vetrans day was more than a day off or a discount. Just a little off topic rant, I'm sorry, but patriotism as a "fad' ticks me off. Everybody needs to take more a role in their community, and their nation, whether it is with your local FD or library, everybody should contribute somehow for life. With the Yuppie and Manhattanite invasion of Westchester, we're losing our "communities".

And FD's need to be more aggressive when it comes to letting the community know what they need......and this doesnt mean posting signs at the town's busiest intersection. They need to get out there and interact with the community, and show them what their all about.

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I didn't even know that Pelham Manor still had a volunteer component to the fire department. It is good to see they are alive and well, and also that the career personell seem to be so accepting of thier precence.

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This artilce was actually about the Pelham Fire Department. From what I understand, Pelham Manor still has an active volunteer contingent too. I used to get the two departments confused myself.

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