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We won't forget

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I have often heard people question the wisdom of sending firefighters into the World Trade Center on Sept. 11th. It is not their fault, these people simply do not understand that firemen do what they do because they must, for without their actions lives would be lost. So much is made of the losses that fateful Tuesday 13 years ago and that is as it should be, but when looking back at that terrible day in New York let us not forget that the sacrifice of the 343 brave FDNY firefighters lost and the actions of their comrades who survived directly saved the lives of over ten thousand people, TEN THOUSAND!!!!. So in the midst of all the sadness and anger that comes with this day let us also remember that those 343 lives were not lost in vain.

I will never forget you, the 343, and all you gave, your sacrifice gave life to thousands, THANK YOU!!

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13 years and I still remember it like yesterday. Never Forget. God Bless America.

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Let us also not forget the efforts and sacrifices of our brothers/sisters in blue and in EMS on that day along with that of the crew and passengers on Flight 93 that prevented further tragedy.

sueg, dave0820, FFPCogs and 1 other like this

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This is one of the better tributes. It is a reminder of what happened that day.

It reminds us that despite what the politicians say, there is still pure evil in this world.

In addition while it was one of the worst days in history, it was also one of our best. We came together like I have never seen before or since. Unfortunately it took the lives of almost 3000 martyrs to do it.

Say a prayer for those who were murdered that day.

BFD1054, sueg and FFPCogs like this

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If you watch the youtube video FFPCogs posted in remembrance, don't look at the comments underneath - just about all are from disgusting trolls. Seeing the faces of those lost helping others again, who gave their all, was very worthwhile, and thank you for providing the link.

Really liked SOUSGT's link also - thank you for providing it.

Edited by sueg

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It's hard to believe what a extremly well done video can do. Makes you think, remember, a sad moment as you reflect. God has heald the broken hearts of those who lost so much. But... a broken corner of their hearts will always be.

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If you watch the youtube video FFPCogs posted in remembrance, don't look at the comments underneath - just about all are from disgusting trolls. Seeing the faces of those lost helping others again, who gave their all, was very worthwhile, and thank you for providing the link.

Really liked SOUSGT's link also - thank you for providing it.

If you look closely in the parade of ambulances, you can see Larchmont VACs old 430 in front of Chelsey Piers. I believe that picture was taken from Time Magazine.

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Firefighters,. EMTs, police officer, and even Boy Scouts rushed into the towers to rescue people.No one expected the towers to collapse on them. But we are the people who run TOWARD danger when everyone else is running AWAY. It's more than just "our job." It's our calling.

Like most of us, I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I first heard the news. The 2nd plane had not hit yet...and we were riveted to the television watching in horror as it unfolded.

No, I will never forget...and I deeply resent the people who HAVE forgotten. You know who I mean - the people who yap about "Bush's unnecessary wars" or "Bush lied about WMDs." The #1 reason for the war was never WMDs. It was a War on TERROR...and Saddam Hussein was one of the chief exporters of international terrorism. He was even offering cash rewards to anyone who would murder Americans or Israelis. If it was a suicide attack, he said he would pay the reward to the murderer's family.

sfrd18, FFPCogs, x635 and 2 others like this

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