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volunteer firefighters in the news

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Obviously no one is pleased when it is reported in the news that a firefighter is in trouble with the law, but it is especially distressing when a distinction is not made as to whether or not the individual is a volunteer or professional firefighter. Given that professional firefighters go through far more rigorous background investigations and training, and risk the loss of their job when they become jammed up with the law, it is only fair that the media make a distinction as to whether or not the individual is a volunteer or professional.

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I agree totally Bjg 411

I wonder if there was alcohol involved in this latest incident.

I just can't see someone calling to report a fire as a prank and

still be in their right mind.

It's time to set some standards for volunteer ff's.

P.S. It's also time to take the bars out of the volunteer

firehouses as well.

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P.S. It's also time to take the bars out of the volunteer  

firehouses as well.

Not to step on any toes here, but why are there even bars in firehouses in the first place? The firehouse is a place of business, not the local watering hole. Yes, there is a certain amount of camraderie that takes place within the walls of the firehouse, and this camraderie makes it a brotherhood, but there is absolutely no reason why there should be a liquor-serving establishment anywhere on the premises.

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Agreed Wolf! In my Firehouse (Buchanan), there is still a bar. However the bar is located upstairs while the rigs & all other firematic equipment & offices are downstairs. Personally i refer to it as seperate entities. I refer to it as the "upstairs" for "social members" and "downstairs" for firematic members. The bar is closed during training nights & any other firematic related function. If you are even suspected of having any alcohol in your system you better not even think about going on a rig, a call, or anywhere during firematic activities. As i said, we have "associate" and "active" members. The associate members have nothing to do with firematic functions. And most of the active guys don't hang around the bar at all. And if they do, they know they are OOS if there is an alarm.

As far as the recent negative news in the Westchester fire service, it is truly unfortunate. It just sucks that a few bad apples can brand an entire service as no good. There is absolutely no excuse for what these two individuals did! I can only hope that they are prosecuted to the fullest extent and certainly thrown out of their department!

It disgusts me that a FF, not to mention ex-chief, stole $3,000 from a volunteer organization! I just hope that justice is served in some way.

As for the member who phoned in a false alarm, thats just down right stupid! This moron put everyones life at risk, form the firefighters to the general public! Again, i hope this idiot gets what he deserves!

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We have a "bar" in the members room--no alcohol though-in the ball room we also have a bar--all the booze is locked up--only comes out at social functions--friendship night etc. We do have beer in the fridge for the members but only officers and a few others have the key. I am not all thathappy with that--after a run have a beer--what if we get another one? It has changed from a few years ago though. We used to go through alot of beer--now it is very little--alot more soda and water. Slowly we are going to a "dry" fire house. But the rule still remains the same--been drinking--don't even show up for the call!!!

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Volunteer or CAREER right?

Acting like an a$$hole whether you are paid or not makes the whole service look bad, and you look completly unprofessional. Remember how many of the FDNY guys got their nuts squeezed for their mistakes a year ago? With a service with over 1 million members, its likely that a few bad eggs will appear.

Paid or not, you should always conduct yourself in a professional manner!

Oh, and bars in the firehouse, not a good idea.

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I just want to say people make human mistakes.This guy was 100% completely wrong.He admits to the prank and will suffer the punishment.

As far as being Volunteer or career ,I dont think anyone can say this is why.

Bjg411 please know that about 18 years ago in a career dept here in westchester county ,with "on duty" members were bored and angry with one of the career officers and called in false alarms to the department were he lived from the payphone in the station that they worked and got caught!! Some of them lied and made things much worse.I do not want to Bash ,, but if anyone on the forum knows what I'm talking about they can confirm this.

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There is no doubt that given the numbers of those in the fire service that there will be a few bad eggs. Nevertheless, my point is that the media should make a distinction as to wether or not the individual is a volunteer or career firefighter. The consequences for such behavior vary greatly, loss of a volunteer position versus the loss of a job along with its pension is a big difference.

In terms of bars in firehouses, I never knew there was such a thing. I guess this is one more reason that the media needs to be more accurate in its reporting.

As far as professional versus career - I guess that it is really just a matter of semantics. Though it should be taken into consideration that most career firefighters in this area are members of the New York State Professional Fire Fighters Association. So if they want to refer to themselves or others as professional fire fighters, then I really don't see what the big deal is. Why can't they determine for themselves how they should be referred to?

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I don't understand why so many volunteer firefighters try to be like the career guys both in conduct and professionalism, etc etc but then want a distinction made when something bad happens. Equality unless you get in trouble? Still sounds like a dual standard to me.

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heres my 2 cents!!!! Most fire stations are owned by the town or village am i right?? enough said you wouldnt find a bar in the village hall would you? or the public works department?? how about the police station? yet we find them in most fire stations!!! in soda machines!!or at the"bar"it self. what imiage does this send to our officials?? whoa be the firefighter that has a drink or 2 and drives a $900,000.00 piece of fire equipment and has a accident!!! theres not enpough ink in the pen for the reports. just my thoughts

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volunteers try to be like paid, paid like volunteers, nobody is trying to be like anybody, were all firefighters

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Too much generlization here. There's dumb people all over the world and whether they are paid or volunteer firefighters does not draw the line between them and others. Lets call this what this is, a dumb@ss is a dumb@ss.

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