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Miami Cop in Trouble after Pulling Over Speeding Driver, who Turns out to be IAB

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Miami Cop in Trouble after Pulling Over Speeding Driver,

who Turns out to be Internal Affairs Lieutenant

A Miami police officer pulled a car over for speeding last month, which turned out to be a plainclothes internal affairs lieutenant who shoved the door open on the officer after refusing to provide his drivers license, leading to a struggle on the side of the road that was caught on camera.

As the two were on the ground wresting, another three Miami cops who just happened to be in the area pulled up and piled on the screaming driver– only to pull off when they realized the man at the bottom was an internal affairs lieutenant from their own department.



Thoughts? :blink:

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It doesn't matter what the IA Lt. was doing, he should be setting the example. If he was speeding then he should have stopped placed the keys on the roof hands on the dash, with all windows down. If he gave the patrol officer lip which it looks like he did then it looks like he got what he had coming. Really strange that were 4 other cats that cost by though.

BFD1054, Capejake72 and Jybehofd like this

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The other guys look like a task force, judging by their special t-shirts. Might have just been driving by.

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Uniformed officer ALWAYS has control. If you were ever a cop or knew how it works that is the first level of authority, PRESENCE! Leaking this video is going to do NOTHING for this officer who is in a state that fires people at will.

Bottom of Da Hill and BFD1054 like this

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