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Hackensack Ford Fire - July 1st 1988

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Today July 1, 2014 we take time to remember our brothers:

Captain Richard Williams,

Lieutenant Richard Reinhagen,

Firefighter Steven Ennis,

Firefighter illiam Kresja,

Firefighter Leonard Radumski

Who made the supreme sacrifice 26 years ago while operating at alarm #1177. Please take a moment to remember these brave men and say a prayer for them, their families,all the firefighters who have given their lives in the line of duty, and those firefighters who protect us day in and day out across this county.


I will never forget watching this fire on the noon news with the members of NRFD Station #3. We sat at the kitchen table and moments before the collapse that killed these 5 brave firefighters, we recognized the danger.

Never stop learning, Never Stop Training, The Building is your Enemy.

Many did not learn the lessons of the Waldbaums Fire, but Hackensack was the wake up call. "Beware the Truss" - F. Brannigan.


Never Forget!

And if you do not know what happened that day, you need to understand it or get out of the fire service!

Much of what was learned that day is still not done in Westchester. I see career and volunteer depts. that did not learn the many lessons that this tragedy taught me!

And the lessons go way beyond the Truss!

x635, BFD1054, CFI609D and 2 others like this

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RIP. In this tragedy were many lessons learned, saving countless other firefighters.

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