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Hotel Vendome Collapse Anniversary June 17, 1972

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June 17, 1972

Fire Lieutenant John E. Hanbury, 46 Ladder 13
Fire Lieutenant Thomas J. Carroll, 52 Engine 32
Firefighter Richard B. Magee, 39 Engine 33
Firefighter Joseph F. Boucher, 28 Engine 22
Firefighter Paul J. Murphy, 36 Engine 32 Firefighter John J. Jameson, 52 Engine 22
Firefighter Charles E. Dolan, 47 Ladder 13
Firefighter Joseph P. Saniuk, 47 Ladder 13
Firefighter Thomas W. Beckwith, 35 Engine 32

170 Commonwealth Avenue, 4 alarms Box 1571, (Dartmouth & Newbury Streets) “The Vendome Hotel Fire”

These nine members died when a rear portion of the Hotel Vendome, 170 Commonwealth Avenue which was under renovation collapsed without any warning. The fire was under control and firefighters were overhauling. Several other members were injured. It took over 10 hours to remove all the firefighters; The Maxim ladder truck of Ladder Co. 15 was extensively damaged also. 4 alarms Box 1571, Lieutenant Hanbury had 23 years, Lieutenant Carroll had 27 years, Firefighter Dolan had 25 years, Firefighter Saniuk had 24 years, Firefighter Jameson had 21 years, Firefighter Beckwith had 6 years, Firefighter Murphy had 5 years, Firefighter Magee had 4 years and Firefighter Boucher had 19 months of service. The alarms were sounded at 1435 hours at 1435 hours, the Working Fire was ordered at 1444 hours, the 2nd alarm at 1446 hours, the 3rd alarm at 1502 hours and the 4th alarm at 1506 hours. Two extra engines were ordered at 1552 hours and the collapse occurred at 1728 hours.


210, sfrd18, PCFD ENG58 and 1 other like this

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yes the post doesnt say mmm Boston.... "170 Commonwealth Avenue, 4 alarms Box 1571, (Dartmouth & Newbury Streets) The Vendome Hotel Fire”

it was one 3 70's- early 80"s iconic multiple firefighter LODD incidents that "really" taught the Fire service that building construction Was a major issue

Vendome in Boston under refurb

Walbaums in Brooklyn trusses

Hackesack Ford trusses

sure there are many others obviously now we have Worcester Charleston, etc etc

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I was a firefighter when this happened, any body else ?

I was In my Heart,... but had 3 years to go yet to be able to join... This was one of the 1st (big Number) LODD's after being old enough to Grasp what it reallys meant, I grew up IN SE CT basicly a mile from the old "MIDWAY" coaling Station on the NYNH & H RR between Boston and NY so Folks rooted for The NY OR Boston Team watched The Boston OR Ny News etc etc.. The "GOOD" part is YOU didnt HAVE to chose (if you kept your Mouth shut at I Also Played the Pipes in the Connecticut Firefighters PIpes & Drums along with Boston Gaelic Fire Brigade and Worcester in 1997 (25 years anniversary of the fire in 1997)

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