
Very Impressive Ladder Placement By Yonkers FD

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I borrowed a camera to get these pics of very impressive ladder placement by Yonkers FD.

The boom in pic one was lifted off the truck bed, over an engine and swung 3/4 way around, then elevated full up and over a tree before coming down. You can see it is resting on phone wires. The phone pole to the left prohibited a direct placement. The truck was backed up onto the sidewalk for this.

Pic two shows the fire bldg.

Pics 3,4, and 5 shows the other ladder. Note the rubber turn markers are both bent as the truck JUST made the alley. If you can't tell, this is a TOWER LADDER. Forger the rig, the BUCKET JUST fit into the alley. Also note the boom under the wires. Crew had to limbo under the wires, as gettng into the bucket would have been impossible with the rear of the rig corking up the alleyway.





M' Ave, FDNY 10-75, 210 and 3 others like this

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Sometimes you have to think outside of the box! I, for one, am definitely impressed!

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That's a great set. As to the OP's comment on doing the limbo under the wires: Why couldn't they ascend forward access ladder to enter the bucket from the actual aerial ladder?

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As you can see in pic #2 there were primary and secondary wires that both rigs had to get under to have a safe operating distance

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Antique, I am not sure I undertsand your question. They did climb the arial boom to the bucket, they had to limbo under the wires. It was a mid-mount boom. To get in the bucket while the boom was in the bed would have been tough. They would have had to crawl under the truck, rear of the rear wheels, for some diatance. Also the wheels were on the street, but the back of the truck was over the sidewalk, so the ground was about 8" higher than the street, giving them even less head room to crawl. I guess they made a command choice to limbo instread of crawl.

I guess you are asking why did they not climb the boom while it was down? Good question. Maybe they did. I only saw them coming DOWN the boom at the end.

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I guess you are asking why did they not climb the boom while it was down? Good question. Maybe they did. I only saw them coming DOWN the boom at the end.

That is the question as I took your post to mean they didn't have access the the forward access ladder. Possibly the crew was busy with other tasks while the chauffeur placed the aerial or they didn't want to take any chances sticking the spot with men in the basket given the proximity to the wires. Regardless of how they ascended, the position is a testament to the skill of their personnel and a "can do" attitude.

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Great job and thanks for taking the photos!! Out of curiosity I was told you should try to be 10' away from wires with aerials? Obviously there is inherent risk when dealing with wires. *Not trying to make anything of this by any means just strictly a curiosity/learning question.*

Edited by mreis95
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Great job and thanks for taking the photos!! Out of curiosity I was told you should try to be 10' away from wires with aerials? Obviously there is inherent risk when dealing with wires. *Not trying to make anything of this by any means just strictly a curiosity/learning question.*

What about ground ladders? Any others thrown except the one i/f/o the residence?

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I could be wrong, but it looks like they set up the aerials under cable and phone lines, with the power lines above those.

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