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FDNY Marine 4 Involved In Major Accident

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Thoughts and prayers are with the injured FF, fellow crew, and family.

Does anyone have any updates?

Tuesday, June 10, 2014 An #FDNY Firefighter suffered a very serious arm injury today, apparently on an FDNY boat (MARINE 4) on the East Side, off East 90th Street and the FDR Drive. The Firefighter operating on Marine 4 (a 31' Fast boat) got into a major accident-the boat was trying to dock in Queens, and struck a piling, causing it to puncture the pilot house. An FDNY Marine FF became pinned from the piling. He is at Bellevue, in serious condition.


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This isn't accurate and have no idea where this info came from.

Not going to question your opinion but would you please elaborate with some details for everyone why you feel that the information is not accurate. Do you have any addition incident details, observations or information that you can share?

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One reason the article seems inaccurate, at one point it says the accident occurred at 90th and FDR, then it says Queens. I know it's just across the river, but it's definitely not accurate in that regard.

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One reason the article seems inaccurate, at one point it says the accident occurred at 90th and FDR, then it says Queens. I know it's just across the river, but it's definitely not accurate in that regard.

It appears the incident happened in Queens, but the boat docked at 90th St and the east side.

While it may have not have been easily determined from the article, this incident apparently covered two locations. In this case an incorrect location, while confusing, would normally not make a story "inaccurate" by itself.

Edited by 10512

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This incident did happen, Marine 4 was on Queens side of east river and without going into great detail an incident happened causing serious injury to a members arm, the boat was piloted across river to the 90 street dock near FDR drive. Member was transported via FDR to Bellevue Hospital were he remains. His arm has been reattached and with prayer hopefully all continues well and he regains function.

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Makes sense to cross the river. Going to the 34th street helipad is something I would have considered Numerous docks there and closer to belvue

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Why are you Monday morning quarterbacking the decision the brothers made ? It was a serverly stressful situation when your brother gets injuried that serverly. They made that decision based on what they thought was best. Nypd escorted the bus to Bellevue where he got the best care you can for this type of injury.

If you are so concerned with the decision they made and are questioning it, why don't you call over there and tell them how they made the wrong decision and tell them how you would of done it

Hope for a speedy recovery for this brother

FirNaTine, FDNY 10-75, PEMO3 and 1 other like this

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Makes sense to cross the river. Going to the 34th street helipad is something I would have considered Numerous docks there and closer to belvue

The information regarding this incident is still very vague. I would suggest however, considering that some news sources have stated that the pilot house was compromised, that getting to the nearest dock on the side of the river where the most appropriate medical facility is would be a priority considering damage to the vessel. Further travel down river might only invite the possibility of SOS or abandon ship call based on the damage to the boat....which would only put the injured MOS at further risk.

I think that we will learn all we need about this event to satisfy our curiosity after an report is generated. Until then prayers to the MOS for rest and relief on a horrible injury.

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My information source is someone who was there. And its wrong. A major accident is our terminology. Any accident on a boat is usually a major accident. Nothing was severed. His arm was never detached. You reposting a bull$hit email serves no purpose.

M' Ave and Bottom of Da Hill like this

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i was not Monday quarter backing what they did just made a comment of what i would have done. i have sailed and operated vessel in that area. and dealt with numerous emergencies on board vessels too. I just put it out there. no reason to bash someone over it. i do up they get a speedy recovery.

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First of all.. if you are a fellow brother and you have a "source" who was there... then you should know that the information regarding a fellow brother's medical condition is PRIVATE and it's NO ONE ELSE's BUSINESS, including yours. It is unfortuante that we live in a world where the press out's someone's information. Just because it happened, doesn't mean its fair game or fodder for all the loads of verbal vomit that has followed here. Worse are the individuals who come up on this site and begin to monday morning quarterback a horrible situation.. questioning the Department who put the pro in professionalism when it comes to fire suppression and rescue operations. Those at the FDNY are the best of the best and we all know it. A fellow brother is hurt and needs to heal. For those of you who don't know when to just shut up and let it be... take some somber refelection of this situation and think about if it was you, your family, your friend or child. Would you want their information out there, or people who, regardless of their experience; were not there and are now spouting all sorts of mouth diarrhea about their opinion of the validity of the incident or how it should have been handled?

Just because you are able to give your opinion doesn't always mean you should. Let's all just keep our fraternal brother in our thoughts, lets keep respect for his privacy, respect that his fellow brothers and sister's did the right thing and the best they could in the situation; and hope the best for his recovery back to a normal life without pain or permanent disability.

Edited by gmspro

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This incident did happen, Marine 4 was on Queens side of east river and without going into great detail an incident happened causing serious injury to a members arm, the boat was piloted across river to the 90 street dock near FDR drive. Member was transported via FDR to Bellevue Hospital were he remains. His arm has been reattached and with prayer hopefully all continues well and he regains function.

Thanks for the clarification and info. Hopefully everything turns out well for him.

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i was not Monday quarter backing what they did just made a comment of what i would have done.

Definition-1. A person who criticizes or suggests alternative courses of action from a position of hindsight after the event in question.

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For anyone to "comment" on what they would have done, unfortunatley exemplifies that persons lack of understanding of the environment true 911 professionals work in. We are not talking about baking a cake here. If you weren't there, if you weren't dealing with all the events at hand including the incident, responding personnel, appropriation of resources, assessment, escalation, mitigation and deescatlation of the incident; as well as coordinating appropriate care, notification and more; regardless of how many years you may have sailed, flown, swam or run; it is arrogant of you to sit here and thrown your two cents in where it is not needed or warranted. Who are you to even question or judge the brothers and sisters who we are all confident risked there own life and limb to save their fellow brother? Those at the scene did what they felt was right, given the parameters they were working with. Whether or not you intended too, look at your statement and the situation. Your comment completely second guessed a situation that had nothing to do with YOUR life experience. If you have any concept of what 911 is all about; then you should know full well that there is a lot of information that will not make it into the press. That information may very well be the reason that certain options were chosen; which may have been the deciding factor in why they did not run the operation the way you feel they should. Out of respect for all our brothers and sisters out here; think before you make disrespectful comments; especially about our own people. Normally I would not even comment, but the utter disregard for the professionals in your comment who raced to the scene goes too far.

Edited by gmspro

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I think we've covered the few facts that are available so far.

He has had a couple of surgeries, most urgently to restore circulation to his arm. We don't know exactly what happened and very well may never know. Those in command will certainly review the events and take any necessary action to insure that we learn from tragic mis-haps so that we can improve our operations in the future.

If anyone has new, concrete information about the injured brother, please start a status thread.

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