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70 years ago tonight

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70 years ago tonight thousands of brave men loaded up on planes, gliders, and ships for the greatest invasion ever. Many never made it home. The courage it must of taken is mind boggling to me.

sfrd18, FFPCogs, PCFD ENG58 and 1 other like this

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My dad did it 75th In 281-h Omaha beach ,Bastone,Ardan Forest, Battle of the Bulge, Silver Star, 2 purple harts . 18 years old and kicked some ass !

Bnechis, sfrd18, sueg and 2 others like this

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MY grandfather and his brother came ashore and most likely followed the same path as PCFD ENG58's dad...

Another Great Uncle had been part of the liberation of Rome the day before....had been with the OSS and was fighting in Italy before the Allies even landed there.

PCFD ENG58, sueg, sfrd18 and 1 other like this

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Two of my uncles came ashore in France on D-Day, one at Utah beach and one at Omaha. Both made it through unscathed. My father came over about a month later and along with my uncles that were already there joined in the liberation of France. A fourth uncle had been pretty severely wounded earlier in 1944 by a sniper at Anzio in Italy and had been sent home while a fifth was out in the Pacific preparing to invade the Japanese held island of Saipan about a week later.

By a twist of fate shortly after my father arrived in France he ran into one of my uncles as their units crossed paths. My uncle's unit was on their way back from the front as my father's unit was moving up to it. They were able to spend some time together and wish each other well but like most families none of them would see each other again until wars end some 10 months later.

D-Day June 6, 1944 remains the greatest seaborne invasion in history, and an achievement without equal. I can only stand in awe of the tremendous courage, fortitude and perseverance of not only my father and his brothers, but of all of those men of the "greatest generation" who, by their blood and sacrifice, fought and won the most destructive, costly and horrendous war in all of human history. They earned us the freedom we enjoy today so to all of them, living and dead, I say most sincerely...THANK YOU!!

God Bless America!.

Edited by FFPCogs
sfrd18, sueg, Bnechis and 1 other like this

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Brian Williams had a great special on d day tonight

Edited by ltrob

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God bless all these men as we would not be here to talk about it, Then where would Bravo be !

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