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Marlborough NY EMS?

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So years back I joined Marlborough NY VAC (TOMVAC). I heard a rumor the other day from a friend that said they have been disbanded. Is this true and if so who runs EMS in Marlborough and the surrounding area. Just curious.

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According to the Marlborough Fire Department website, Mobile Life runs EMS calls

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Wow, I remember visiting TOMVAC's station when I was a little kid... 38FF on here is a Commish with Marlborough Fire District, maybe he can fill us in on more details.

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TOMVAC closed down 3 to 4 years ago due to declining membership and not being able to cover the increased call volume. Mobile Life covers the town now.. We have 18 hours of in town ALS coverage, and the other 6 hours are the "slowest" call volume covered by Mobile Life the next town over. It has worked out well. While it is sad for the organization to shudder itself, they chose to go out honorably by admitting they could not provide the coverage that was expected, instead of limping along providing a shell of coverage.

Bnechis, 9liner, BFD1054 and 3 others like this

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they chose to go out honorably by admitting they could not provide the coverage that was expected, instead of limping along providing a shell of coverage.

KUDOS to any Volunteer EMS agency to ADMIT they have a problem and DUE something about it.

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Wow, I remember visiting TOMVAC's station when I was a little kid...

It's for sale if you're interested.

boca1day and SageVigiles like this

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Yes it is. Well water and no sewer... They ripped out the kitchen. The town had talks of moving town hall to there, but that died when they decided to rent space in a closed school...............

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Well question about "coverage" in town. Where do they "post" when they are in town. Ive always been afraid of hearing that term "coverage" in town. Many privates (not saying Mobile Life is part of this) say they will cover and pull that unit for a BLS / ALS interfacility when "running behind". Just checking

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Well question about "coverage" in town. Where do they "post" when they are in town. Ive always been afraid of hearing that term "coverage" in town. Many privates (not saying Mobile Life is part of this) say they will cover and pull that unit for a BLS / ALS interfacility when "running behind". Just checking

You wouldn't happen to be referring to a 3 letter, patriotically named private ambulance company, now would you?

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Well i know them and another private out of say west coast (Arizona). Ive had problems with both nationwide privates (and worked for both). The problem with contracts these days are the business managers will tell anyone anything to keep a contract. The famous "oh we can be there in less than 10 mins" when the closest station is 20-30 mins away.

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RWC just FYI im glad someone had the guts to do that. I have the same problem where i live now. 12 people on a volunteer department that runs fire / ems and has an outlet mall in the service area.

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MLSS has their Marlboro crew at the old TOMVAC bldg. I don't know the particulars of their contract with the

Town, but in many of their contracts they have a penalty clause where they will pay $$ if they don't meet their contractual obligations, including response times.

IF Mlss has a contracted area that requires coverage and they need the crew to handle either a transport or another 911 call, they backfill that station so that coverage is nearly seamless.

Edited by 50-65

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MLSS have been great with regards to responses. They have a rig at the old TOMVAC building, with provides fast response for both Marlboro and Milton. I work in town, and when they are dispatched, they are on the road in seconds and on scene as fast as they can safely drive. No complaints here.

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